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gz... baieti maine imi bag si eu 2.5 lei pe card nu am mai bagat bani de aproape 5 luni :)):D imi iau sbot :X :bananadance2: sper sa nu am iar probleme cu paypal... :-j abea astept :X imi fac xbow-ul lvl 42 :D si char-ul lvl 52 il continui cu farm-ul :X.... i cant wait :D...

care era site-ul de la sbot?


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Cer opinia si sfatul vostru.Pentru FullInt ar trebui sa ridic si windless(dull) pentru ca nu stiu daca m-a va ajuta fmult :| .. Raspunsurile sa fie si motivate daca se poate :| kkthxbay :tiphat:

Ar trebui sa pui windless(dull) si neaparat mars. Mars`ul are dmg mare si iti intra ca si skill foarte repede dupa un alt atac ... pt ca tu esti int poti da un nuke imediat bagi mars ii reduci foarte mult din hp ... apoi bagi windless si daca cu putina bafta i`ai dat si dull respectivul e cam terminat (in caz cu nu are pastileeee si nu e blader :)) )

Oricum primul skill pe care ar trebui sa`l ai pe arma este mars`ul ;) al 2`lea dupa mine ar fi soul spear - are dmg mare si mai ales stun care zic eu ca e important, si abia apoi windless. Bafta la PVP ;)

P.S. .... nu e un sfat e doar o sugestie ;)

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Am gasit un clip super ... desi este vorba de WOW se potriveste oricarui gamer de MMO

P.S. .... nu va doresc sa ajungeti in halul asta =))

trist dar oarecum adevarat :))

oare dc nu am vazut pana acum o parodie de genu pt L2 sau alt MMO

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Deci avem 5 locuri ramase LIBERE din 35 :))))) asa k pt cei din ManiaciiRo e loc

Mai este si celalalt Tech_Army care o sa faca si el lvl 4 si o sa mai intre 10 romani acolo. Plus k mai avem un guild care e din romani si amestecati (coreeni orfani, si alte natii) unde vor mai putea intra romani

O alta veste buna e k Guildul Wecked e format din 8 romani.....eu as prefera sa intre ei in ultimul loc de la union deoarece sunt 8 din 20 park si or mai putea intra romani. Zic asta deoarece ne apropiem cu pasi repezi de unirea TechArmy cu ManiaciiRO :))))). DAR o alta problema e ca Noire ( o guilda cu un GM super, nu sunt romani) se pare k se reFACE...eu prefer sa fim mai multi romani decat alte natii.....acu vedem ce se hotareste in Union si in TechArmy( avand in vedere k CmdrDrakov e Master si la GUILDE si cam el are ultimul cuvant... VEDEM LA CE CONCLUZIE SE AJUNGE, cert e k vom primii, romani MANIACI :P in TechArmy, cu bratele DESCHISE !!!!!

Si 2 Lancelot vezi k fratele tau are nr de mobil al lui CmdrDrakov

DOUBLE POST = WARN=SUSPEND= crede ca iau bna :)) pentru SPAM

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ma cand se redeschide cumpararea de sbot?

sbot.support@gmail.com - general support

shiva.sbot@gmail.com - Admin Shiva

shen.sbot@gmail.com - Admin Shen

acestea sunt emailurile celor de la Sbot

pentru cei care vor sari la gatu meu ca de unde stiu

leam luat de pe siteu de la Sbot ;) pentru ca am acc de Sbot

auziti eu daca am acc pot sa il reinoiesc cand se termina sbotu?


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ma cand se redeschide cumpararea de sbot?

pe site la ei :

Ok, here we go. This thread has to describe thing which seems to be easy to understand, but - as we have convinced - it is not.

As you, people can see, on the Main page and in this thread : http://www.bot-cave.net/main/forum/inde ... =viewtopic , there is a partition to 'new' and 'old' members.

From the moment of partitting this we have received so many questions like 'I'm old user but I cannot buy' or 'I'm one of the first members on forum and I cannot buy' etc.

To clear ALL your doubts look here :

Old customer = active SBot subscriber. It means that only person who HAS (at the moment) an active subscription can be classified as 'Old customer'. It's not important when have you registered here, or how many posts do u have. If you have an active subscription, u can renew it without problems.

New customer = person w/o an active subscription. It means that if you haven't an active subscription at the moment u cannot be classified as the 'Old customer'. Again date of registration etc. aren't important. When u try to BUY SBot, you are classified as 'New customer' and for now, the subs are closed for you.

Thank you for reading and sorry for such a long time before posting this thread.

I also inform you that there is option to buy the bot - reason why it's closed is that it's sold out. You just need some luck to buy as 'New customer'. You must hit the paypal button in the moment where there is a slot (SBot has 10k slots for subscribers) so if some1's sub has just ended.

Next thing is the date of re-open subcripstions. It's simply - subs will be re-opened when:

a) there will be free slots

B) the server will be better to keep more users

And now the dark side of the force :P I would like to inform you, dear users that from the moment of writing this post, every person - again : EVERY - who will post a thread regarding to:

#sold out - why?

#what is new/old customer?

#I am new/old customer, why am I not available to buy the bot?

#When can I buy the bot?

#and familiar

Will be immidiately banned. Lenght of ban will depend on scale of your misdeed.

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Voi absenta acest forum o perioada , spre bine cred , deja s-a transformat intr-un chat de spam si flame.Un prieten din guild v-a juca pe acontul meu folosind sbot . Salutari si urari de bine pentru toti userii/playerii care m-au ajutat la intrebari si alte probleme.Ne auzim(stiu ca e off topic , si astept warn-ul daca e necesar) . Peace OuT :tiphat:

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auziti eu daca am acc pot sa il reinoiesc cand se termina sbotu?

da poti.. dai repurchase... #-o acolo sus...

dar cei care nu au facut niciodata tranzactie nu pot :( trebuie sa dau purchase dar nu merge :((

pe site la ei :

Ok, here we go. This thread has to describe thing which seems to be easy to understand, but - as we have convinced - it is not.

As you, people can see, on the Main page and in this thread : http://www.bot-cave.net/main/forum/inde ... =viewtopic , there is a partition to 'new' and 'old' members.

From the moment of partitting this we have received so many questions like 'I'm old user but I cannot buy' or 'I'm one of the first members on forum and I cannot buy' etc.

To clear ALL your doubts look here :

Old customer = active SBot subscriber. It means that only person who HAS (at the moment) an active subscription can be classified as 'Old customer'. It's not important when have you registered here, or how many posts do u have. If you have an active subscription, u can renew it without problems.

New customer = person w/o an active subscription. It means that if you haven't an active subscription at the moment u cannot be classified as the 'Old customer'. Again date of registration etc. aren't important. When u try to BUY SBot, you are classified as 'New customer' and for now, the subs are closed for you.

Thank you for reading and sorry for such a long time before posting this thread.

I also inform you that there is option to buy the bot - reason why it's closed is that it's sold out. You just need some luck to buy as 'New customer'. You must hit the paypal button in the moment where there is a slot (SBot has 10k slots for subscribers) so if some1's sub has just ended.

Next thing is the date of re-open subcripstions. It's simply - subs will be re-opened when:

a) there will be free slots

B) the server will be better to keep more users

And now the dark side of the force :P I would like to inform you, dear users that from the moment of writing this post, every person - again : EVERY - who will post a thread regarding to:

#sold out - why?

#what is new/old customer?

#I am new/old customer, why am I not available to buy the bot?

#When can I buy the bot?

#and familiar

Will be immidiately banned. Lenght of ban will depend on scale of your misdeed.

am vazut si eu asta :( cica cand i se termina unuia timpul de bot... poti rpd sa dai acolo purchase... :| dar de unde sa stiu eu cand... :| plm si am bani pe card de 3 luni :X

Next thing is the date of re-open subcripstions. It's simply - subs will be re-opened when:

a) there will be free slots

B) the server will be better to keep more users

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bai fratilor...

d c nu folosit AGbot e si free si e acceptabil

mai multi prieteni or facut lv mare si nu or luat ban

Pai nu ca noah , asa sunt romanii. Vede pe unu si se iau toti dupa el. Si daca le zici ceva imediat iti sar la gat si zic ca nu ca or vazut pe nu stiu cine si etc...... Eu am facut 69 cu agbot si nu mi-a facut probleme niciodata, chiar l-am setat sa mearga foarte bine, si nu doar eu si multi altii il folosesc. Dar sbot intradevar e mai bun, dar mai multi il cumpara ca cica suna mai bine, "S"bot , "S"-ul ala suna fain, repetati "SSSS"-bot, nu suna fain ?

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azi am ajuns cu wizz la lvl 30 =)) si am o problema... dupa ce am ajuns la 30 am inceput sa ''testez'' (nu ca nu as sti la la ce folosesc) skill-urile si cand am ajuns la teleport in loc sa ma duca unde ii ziceam io (sau celputin limita pe care o are skill-u) ma trimitea in spate (exact acolo unde incepeam io sa merg) :crybaby:

PLS dak stiti ceva orice m-ar putea ajuta ascult...

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