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Internaţional SilkRoad Online

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Mario, daca vrei sa joci ecSRO ia-ti kaspersky antivirus, eu asa am si merge perfect.

...parerea mea e sa nu folosesti Kaspersky ca antivirus pt ca e greoi si iti ia mult din resurse si iti incetineste viteza la net...

cat de puternic ii virusul Malware???

ar putea fi keyloger?

aici vei vedea ca Malware e un termen general si nu unul specific al unui virus sau trojan sau keylloger etc...deci acel malware pe care tu l-ai gasit poate fi orice, periculozitatea lui pt sistemul tau poate fi de orice nivel...



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cei ala silkroad GNGWC? :blink:

Silkroad Online Ofiicial posted the news on Silkroad Online official site that said GNGWC 2008 exclusive Client is now available for preliminary participants to download.

GNGWC 2008 exclusive Client is now available for preliminary participants to download.

To see the participant list and download GNGWC 2008 exclusive client please click here.

When GNGWC Exclusive ID, Password are prepared, we will announce again.

* Only preliminary participants may download GNGWC 2008 exclusive client

Thank you for your participation, and good luck in the preliminary round!

Cumva un concurs? :-?

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Silkroad Online Ofiicial posted the news on Silkroad Online official site that said GNGWC 2008 exclusive Client is now available for preliminary participants to download.

GNGWC 2008 exclusive Client is now available for preliminary participants to download.

To see the participant list and download GNGWC 2008 exclusive client please click here.

When GNGWC Exclusive ID, Password are prepared, we will announce again.

* Only preliminary participants may download GNGWC 2008 exclusive client

Thank you for your participation, and good luck in the preliminary round!

Cumva un concurs? :-?

este un concurs international pe tari...sunt alese tari cu cei mai tari luptatori din SRO...modalitatea de alegere nu o cunosc...si se organizeaza niste pvpuri pe echipe care au loc in cadrul unui server facut anume pt asa ceva,din cate stiu eu mai intai jucatorii fac putin grind iar din moobi cad f multe SOx-uri ,se echipeaza si apoi sub supravegherea unei echipe de arbitri desemnati dintre adminii Joymax se desfasoara luptele,un fel de guild wars,premiile sunt in Soxuri si bani($)



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este un concurs international pe tari...sunt alese tari cu cei mai tari luptatori din SRO...modalitatea de alegere nu o cunosc...si se organizeaza niste pvpuri pe echipe care au loc in cadrul unui server facut anume pt asa ceva,din cate stiu eu mai intai jucatorii fac putin grind iar din moobi cad f multe SOx-uri ,se echipeaza si apoi sub supravegherea unei echipe de arbitri desemnati dintre adminii Joymax se desfasoara luptele,un fel de guild wars,premiile sunt in Soxuri si bani($)



si cam unde mas putea inregistra de exemplu??

u joci sro??

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Te inregistrezi .. Concursul are loc in USA , Egypt si inca o tara parca hmmm.... Pe Pacific pe locul 2 daca tin bine minte castigase Brue , fostul leader al uniunii 5ur34l iar primul loc Hmoob_Blader parca ceva in genu . Btw 84k sp ^^ diseara inchid gap . Noapte Buna I'm Out

Peace OuT :tiphat:

gz :D ai vazut pozele care le-am postat mai sus :X?

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si cam unde mas putea inregistra de exemplu??

u joci sro??


...dupa cum vedeti fff multe sosunuri pe jos la GNGWC...

...si GM Gargamel la GNGWC...ala care sta jos,cu ochelari...

GNGWC 2008


-- <Visual News> The finals for GNGWC 2008, a festival for the gamers around the world, will start in a few short days. In four online game categories, a total of 200 players including national players from six countries will battle for the first place at Kintex, located in Ilsan, South Korea on November 16.

The upcoming finals will be held on the last day of "G-Star 2008" that will be held from 13 – 16 at Kintex. Due to the timing, the finals will gather attentions from gamers of South Korea and the media alike.

Hosted by Korea SW Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA) and sponsored by KT, GNGWC 2008 preliminaries were held in six countries of South Korea, USA, Germany, Japan, Singapore, and Brazil. The titles selected as the official games are "Silk Road Online" by Joymax (an official game for three consecutive years); "Shot Online," a 3D golf game by Onnet; "Navy Field," a naval battle game by SDEnterNet with the World War II as the background; and "Atlantica," a strategic MMORPG by Ndoors selected for the first time.

National players battled for their seats in the finals throughout the online preliminaries and second round of preliminaries held in six continents from past July. The gamers will participate in the welcome reception by KIPA on 15, and will fight for the first place on 16 at Ilsan Kintex.

GNGWC has grown in scale and to attract better skilled gamers every year. The gamers who participated in the past events not only enjoyed the competition but transformed it into a fiesta by sharing their energy with other audiences.

Head Kwon Taek-Min of KIPA said, "GNGWC gave us a confirmation that South Korean games can succeed in the global market," and added, "GNGWC will be continuously improved with more systematic preparation to spread the excellence of South Korean online games throughout the world."

The GNGWC 2008, which will be held in Ilsan on the upcoming 16, is expected to be a success as it will be filled with a various range of events.

EU NU MAI JOC..aproape 3 ani imi ajunge



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