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Internaţional SilkRoad Online

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Ironia ... momentan miam facut char nou pe Poseidon .. si nu am puterea (lvl9)(nu mai am puterea ca pe Redsea:( ) .... si afara nu zic ca am puterea absoluta dar am putin respect ..si pana la urma cine se ocuapa de prietena mea? ;) .. tio dau tie ... esti in stare sa ai grija de o bruneta aratoasa cu gura mare? :whistle:

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auzi pretene? aci se discuta dspr SRO kSRO daca e cazu nu dspr cele ce iti halesc tie din buzunar... k din palma nu cred. .... asa k dute frate de te lauda cu aia bruneta... unde vrei tu... k pana la urma daca e sa ne uitam mai atent toate sunt brunete... si inca odata uitate bine unde postezi..... aci scrie mare SilkRoad Online :nanana:

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doamne!!!, daca stiti ce trebuie sa fac sa-mi mearga sa ma conectez(serv inspection or update ) va rog postati , cam asta am gasit eu ;

sunt un talmes balmes dar le-am luat si eu de prin alte siteuri :

Modify HOSTS:

Open HOSTS File with notepad (C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts or C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts)

Delete everything and change it to: localhost gwgt1.joymax.com gwgt1.joymax.co.kr joymaxnpro.nefficient.com

Save it and reboot.

You also need to ensure that Silkroad is allowed through your personal firewall/Windows Firewall as well as any built-in firewalls in your router.

If that does not fix the issue, you can disable the built-in Windows Firewall. Note that this is not recommended. Instructions:


1. Go to Control Panel, then double-click Networking and Internet Connections, then click Network Connections.

2. Right-click on your main Internet connection, and then click Properties.

3. On the Advanced tab, click to clear the "Protect my computer or network check box". Click OK.


1. Click Start, Run, and type firewall.cpl, and then click OK.

2. On the General tab, click "Off (not recommended)", and then click OK

adrese : gwgt1.joymax.com gwgt2.joymax.com


J'ai eu le m?me probl?me je viens juste de r?ussir à le r?soudre grâce à ta remarque =)

Il faut ajouter les lignes : gwgt1.joymax.com gwgt2.joymax.com gwgt1.joymax.com

(peut ?tre qu'il y en a qui sont inutiles mais tant que ?a marche ^^)

au fichier hosts (FICHIER MSN et non fichier tout court)

Voilà j'esp?re que ?a marcherea chez vous aussi big_smile

alta rezolvare :

ntra in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts si deschizi hosts cu notepad

si pui jos dupa ce lasi un spatiu intre localhost si ceea ce vrei sa scrii

urmatorul ip al silkului: gwgt1.joymax.com

dupa care il inchizi dai un restart la comp si cred ca nu ve-i mai avea prb.


era asa cum ai zis tu eu am sters gwgt1.joymax.com si in locul lui am scris localhost ... am dat save si a mers ...dar ms oricum


Disable support for east asian languages and restart your computer.

You can do so through your Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages.

It's a bit annoying but the game is well worth it

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definitie :

he problem is windows trying to resolve the DNS. A DNS sever takes the name of a sever (www.google.com) and turns it into an ip address (

The name google means nothing it is the ip address that is important.

In the beginning there were a lot of problems with contacting the game sever. Usually because it was off line.

Now what windows does is it stores a small table of server names and ip addresses so it doesn't have to take the time to look them up on line each time. Its not that different then storing pictures used for web pages.

It makes things faster. The problem is when windows stores an entry like SRO.com = 404 error. Even if the sever is back on line and the DNS servers are routing to it again windows will still think it doesn't exist.

The DNS flush command empties this table and makes window relookup all web addresses. The method of editing the host file works too, because windows checks that first. It works best if you just do both.

There are problems though. If joymax changes the IP address of the game sever and you don't re-edit your host file it will always point to the wrong place.

The host file is there for your convenience. The fact that you know what the OSI model is I assume you know a little about networking but for those that don't. If you run a network at home with static IP addresses you add entries into it like: hp.laserjet or dads.computer and so forth. Another fun thing is if you host smaller multiplayer ***** on lan or wan you friends can add the same kind of entries into their host files. Then instead of typing in a hard to remember IP address every time it is just bobs.game.server or what ever and that is without needing to register a domain online. In fact you can use a domain name that already exist. It would be smart for schools to put into the file an entry for whitehouse.com (porn site) to redirect it to the ip address for whitehouse.gov.

Once again that only works with static IP addresses. If you use dynamic addresses like most home owners you have to this fun stuff by other means.

In Microsoft Windows, you can use the command ipconfig /flushdns to flush the DNS resolver cache.

You can also use the command ipconfig /displaydns to view the DNS resolver cache.

C:\>ipconfig /flushdns

Windows IP Configuration

Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

am incercat o parte din ele tot nimic , pus windowsul din nou tot nimic, mai incerc si ma rog ca ptr european sa faca un kit separat sau un manual patch .

in rest numai bine si spor la iteme

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silknoob faza aia sa scrii in hosts e la misto sau cel putin asa cred...

aveam si eu la un moment dat scris acolo si nu ma puteam conecta...

am ster jocul si ce am scris in hosts,am reinstalat silk si a mers

asta e ce am observat eu, poate la altii merge daca scrii in hosts

ps: cadn reinstalati jocul, reinstalatil in alta parte.

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We have mentioned that the event will be held after the bot punishment around mid June due to the long duration of server inspection that has occured beginning of May.

We will be proceeding Compensation Event for the incident.

[Compensation Event Detail Information]

Event Server: All servers

Event Date: 6/29/2007 ~ 7/3/2007

Event Content: Character Experience, Skill Points 30% Increase

Atata zarva din partea lor pt 5 zile de event.............

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+1pag loooool e a treia sau a patra oara :D

decat nic tot bine...eu prefer si asa....ma bucur k fac mai rpd lvl :D :cool2:

...ai dreptate man, e bine si asa decat nik....poate cu ocazia asta fac si eu 81 :P

...bagatzi mare acu cat e exp si sp-uri in plus mocca...

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ce sa bag mare....lool as vrea eu la questul meu..ala cu florile de la lvl 46

.....pana il fac pe asta dureaza(am facut doar unu si acoma am omorat ...sa vad-194) deci mai dureaza..sper sa le fac pana pe 29...si bv sper sa faci 99.99% lol ai vrea u sa faci 81

Edit: btw...ce fain ar fi k mai multzi de pe acelasi server sa aiba 99.99 % si sa se stranga undeva totzi si sa omoare ceva mare de ex yarkan sau totzi sa omoara cate un giant naya sau orice si sa faca totzi 81 deodata

:D :cool2:

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sale..sunt nou in silkroad...il instalai acu 5 min...o intrebare am...imi apar toate serverele "Crowded" si nu ma pot baga pe niciunul...asa e mereu? :blink:

cam da...

poti sa intrii de dimineata sau seara tarziu sau daca dai de multe ori conect poate prinzi loc

io am avunt noroc acum 1 min am intrat din prima :)

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M-am hotarat sa instalez din nou jocul dupa o pauza mai mare. Problema e urmatoarea: rulez clientul si imi apare "The server is in examination or out of working time". Patchul de pe site nu pot sa-l pun pentru ca imi zice ca n-am versiunea de client buna... Any suggestions ? :rolleyes:

Gata am rezolvat...

Edited by Killer_XP
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