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Acel link este un fisier ( cred ) sau o poza virusata.

Ce face acel virus ? Tipu care l-a creat vrea sa-si faca publicitate la acel link prin statusuri si fel ..si fel de mass-uri , incat virusu` lui sa devina cat mai popular.


in caz ca , din greseala obtineti acel virus , solutia de a scapa este.

start-->accesories-->system tools --> system restore ( alegi cea mai recenta data posibila )

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De capu meu imi tot trimitea una linku ala il vazui si la status da intrai pe el de 2 ori :| k nu stiam ce e cu el :(( da ce se intampla daca intri pe el ? Sa speram ca nu se incarca pagina pt k aveam rmdc ++ aprins si nu vazui tot inchisai repede dupaia imi zisa ea k e virus :|. Oricum mie deocamdata nu imi face probleme.

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(9/15/2006 11:56:33 PM): cai dit con me may day . Lua tao a` ? Xem di : http://www.geocities.co.jp/thanatos1838

(9/16/2006 12:00:51 AM): Download free MP3s : http://www.geocities.co.jp/thanatos1838<<

(9/16/2006 12:02:19 AM): Just check out my new personal website : http://www.geocities.co.jp/thanatos1838 C00l !!!

(9/16/2006 12:03:46 AM): di'nh virus ru`i du`ng cai nay ma diet na`y : http://www.geocities.co.jp/ie_protector

(9/16/2006 12:05:16 AM): Use this tool to remove the viruses from your PC : http://www.geocities.co.jp/ie_protecto <<

(9/16/2006 12:06:41 AM): cai dit con me may day . Lua tao a` ? Xem di : http://www.geocities.co.jp/thanatos1838

Treaba asta tot primesc de la un timp incoa p mess :whistle:

ps..pana mea nu dati clik p linkuri nus am sters un caracter da..

le ed: alt mass: "Nu mai dati click pe link-urile cu GEOCITIES, contin cod Jscript care trimite mesaje la toata lista."

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Shadow: the only way to clean some online viruses that may lead you into troubles : *link* <<

Shadow: cool girls : *link*

Shadow: the only way to clean some online viruses that may lead you into troubles : *link*<<

Shadow: Use this tool to remove the viruses from your PC : *link* <<

Shadow: Just check out my new personal website : *link( C00l !!!

Shadow: di'nh virus ru`i du`ng cai nay ma diet na`y :

poor guy, bine ca nu intru in toate linkurile primite.

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prima data cand aud de asta.. cei din lista mea de mess sunt dresati.. cine trimite mass il scot direct :D

evident am dat si eu click acum ca am vazut.. sa vad ce face NOD32`u meu

p.s. nu s-a intamplat nimic :)

p.p.s nu am system recovery :D

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Am primit si eu massuri cu siteu ala :surprised:.. numai aseara a trimis unu linku de vreo 4,5 ori intr-un interval de nici 10 minute.

thank god ca le-am ignorat pt ca doar ce oprisem fw si antivirusu :D


start-->accesories-->system tools --> system restore ( alegi cea mai recenta data posibila )

Se pot pierde lucruri importante cu rollback-ul ^ :rolleyes: , un full scan cu un antivirus bun cred ca ar rezolva problema la fel de bine :)

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