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Steve Irwin a murit

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Cairns (Australia), Sept 5. (AP): Dramatic videotape of 'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin's last moments shows him pulling from his chest the poisonous stingray barb that killed him, officials said today, as tributes poured in for the beloved naturalist famed for getting dangerously close to deadly beasts.

Police said there were no suspicious circumstances in the death of Irwin, who was stabbed in the chest yesterday while snorkeling with a stingray while filming a television programme on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, and no evidence he provoked the animal.

John Stainton, Irwin's manager who was among the television crew on the reef, said the fatal blow that struck the presenter and conservationist was caught on videotape, and described viewing the footage as having the "terrible" experience of watching a friend die.

"It shows that Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here (in the chest), and he pulled it out and the next minute he's gone," Stainton told reporters in Cairns, where Irwin's body was taken for an autopsy.

The tape of the death of the man known by TV audiences worldwide for his infectious enthusiasm in the series "The Crocodile Hunter" was secured by Queensland state police as evidence for a coroner's inquiry, a standard procedure in high-profile deaths or those caused by other than natural causes

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Ce-am crezut la inceput sa fie doar o gluma proasta...dar cand am vazut stirea pe CNN am ramas masca......crocodili ,serpi,paianjeni......si te omoara o pisica de mare???????? :blink: ...acul sa-ti intre fix in inima??? :blink: o sansa la un milion...ghinioin....imi pare foarte rau...RIP....always a hero.

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cred ca toti de-aici am crescut cu documentarele lui de pe animal planet..un omagiu aici: http://www.nothingtoxic.com/media/11448433..._a_Gators_Death

Odihneasca-se in pace...un om deosebit al carui iubire pentru animale depasea orice bariera...

asta e...sa-i fie tzarana usoara

:(((((((((((( am lacrimat in timpul filmuletului.. Doamne ce pacat.. nici acuma nu`mi vine sa cred jur..

tare as vrea sa fie o gluma, si sa-si fi inscenat iara moartea...

Nu e o gluma.. ce bine ar fi sa fie :|

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Din cite am auzit scena mortii s-a filmat dar au avut acces numai procurorii si familia.Nu se va da publicitatii niciodata filmuletul.Familia nu a fost de acord cu funeralii nationale.

R.I.P Steve.

asa stiu si eu ca nu se vor arata filmarile din respect pt steve ... oricum RIP mate :crybaby:

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Am vazut ca majoritatea ati zis RIP... wtf, suntem in Romania... asa ca eu ii zic: Odihneste-te in pace, Steve!

A fost singurul care chiar iubea animalele si meseria pe care o practica, restul de pe animal planet sunt niste mascarici(chiar ieri am vazut pe unii care prindeau serpii cu o bara de metal in forma de T ca le era frica sa nu ii muste :)) Singurul in care mai am incredere si pe care il respect e Jeff Corwin, desi nu se ridica la nivelul lui Steve...

Sper ca sotia si mai ales copiii lui sa-i continue munca(am sperante mai ales in baiatul lui, care acum are 3 ani, sper sa fie exact ca taica-sau, poate chiar mai bun<daca se mai poate> )

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