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Poate nu va pasa....poate nu trebuia sa fac acest topic. Daca multi dintre voi, folositi YouTube, ati fi observat ca exista multe video'uri de ale lui "Brookers". Multa lume o place, multa lume o detesta. Ei bine...eu fac parte din categoria "Haters".

Ultimul ei video'u pe care l-am vazut este acesta:


Multa lume, au lasat comenturi ca:


O man hahah that was funny...or mabye cuz...its 5:44am and i havent slept...either way..i laffd

hmm.. im sure everything makes sense in your colorful world , but damn you are silly. but hey , must be cool to be you.

Plastic please

Hey brookers can I f**k you in a mcdonalds dumperster and ram mcnuggets through that space in your teeth, and finishing things off with a golden shower?


You're so funny.. I wish I had the same Humor.. (: I really enjoy your video's.. You got talent ! Go on like this girl.. You will get far ! xxx

Brookers, you made it, you made it! You're aaaawesome. You're sooooo genius....I'm happy that I can watch your videos! Thanks for your talent and energy of the creation.

lol that was so random yet so awesome lol funny as always brook

>Saragael: Sims ruled XD Brookers, I don't know why some people hate you .. I think you're awesome o0 And .. crazy - but I like that XD [this guy wants to get laid]

.... in fine...that's not important !

Mie, sincer mi-a placut come-back-line'ul al acestui tip:


Sincer...nu stiu de ce am facut acest topic...poate cine stie. Faceti si voi niste filmulete si va bateti joc de ea nanana.gif


Si care e faza la filmul ala ca n-am avut rabdare sa ma uit la el... decat am vazut primele cateva secunde ca se stramba :| Desi nu mai trebuia ca e si asa destul de stramba


Este un geniu neinteles... si ince ceva : How Stupid Can u get? ma duc sa ma uit la How High ( l am mai vazut dar filmele bune nu sunt plictisitoare nici o data)

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