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Coca-Cola BlaK

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ATLANTA, March 15, 2006 - Coca-Cola North America today announced the introduction of its innovative carbonated fusion beverage, Coca-Cola BlaK, to the United States on April 3rd.

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Coca-Cola BlaK is a sophisticated, premium blend of Coca-Cola, natural flavors and coffee essence. The effervescence and rich flavor of Coca-Cola BlaK provide the perfect pick-me-up for people looking for new ways to stay refreshed any time of the day or night. "Coca-Cola BlaK is a uniquely invigorating beverage that is full-bodied in flavor and as refreshing as you expect Coca-Cola to be," said Katie Bayne, senior vice president, Coca-Cola Brands, Coca-Cola North America. "There is no other beverage available today quite like Coca-Cola BlaK. Imagine the refreshing taste of an ice-cold Coca-Cola that finishes with a rich essence of coffee. Only Coca-Cola can deliver that distinct combination of flavors."

For its U.S. launch, Coca-Cola BlaK has been specially formulated to appeal to American tastes and will have a unique logo treatment and packaging as well. Designed to appeal to adult consumers looking for an indulgent and revitalizing alternative to other beverages, Coca-Cola BlaK is a mid-calorie beverage with only 45 calories per 8-ounce bottle. It is packaged in a resealable version of Coca-Cola’s signature 8-ounce glass contour bottle enveloped in sophisticated and stylish graphics. It will be available at supermarkets and convenience retail locations nationwide beginning April 3rd, both in individual bottles and four-packs.

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"Coca-Cola BlaK is the latest example of the kind of innovation we are delivering to meet the changing needs of our consumers," added Bayne. "We are very excited about this new brand and look forward to continuing to find new ways to satisfy Coca-Cola lovers." Marketing support for the new brand began earlier this month with a teaser television ad, which aired during the live Red Carpet pre-show broadcast of the 78th Annual Academy Awards® on ABC. The 15-second commercial titled, "POParazzi" presents Coca-Cola BlaK as a glamorous star appearing before throngs of media, complete with flashing camera lights. Additional support for the brand will include a fully integrated program featuring both traditional and non-traditional media, including television, print and outdoor advertising, in-store displays, and targeted sampling programs designed to engage consumers and pique their interest in Coca-Cola BlaK, beginning in April in cities across the U.S. For more information about Coca-Cola BlaK, please visit www.coca-colaBlaK.com.

ps: Nu va bucurati degeaba.. deocamdata e disponibil doar in Franta si SUA...


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toate incercarile de a introduce o "noua" Coca-Cola au fost, zic eu, eshuate. nu cred k o sa mearga nici de data asta biggrin.gif

Nu, Light si Diet Coke au prins bine. Probleme au avut alea prea ciudate. Lumea e constienta ca totusi e cam toxic produsul si cam multe substante bizare in el, asa ca daca ii dai o cola albastra sau mai stiu eu cum, deja e prea de tot. Si Pepsi a avut succes cu Pepsi Twist, Diet Pepsi Twist, etc... chiar si cu ala Blue (dar nu pe piata noastra), Cherry Cola... Blak asta probabil va fi mai bine primita.

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Am cam renuntat la cola; o sa gust noua varianta cand va aparea, dar cam atat.

Am un gust tere nasol dimineata dupa o seara de cola sau pepsi - la cate porcarii are in ea...mai bine beau un ceai crybaby2.gif

Mi-a placut mult " pepsi X " cica are taurina nanana.gif

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Marketing...tampenii...la fel ca Pepsi Blue... numai coloranti najpa, am pus intr-o cana si era toata albastra dupa ce am baut Pepsi...

Dar pepsi gold ati baut ? Eu cel putin am ramas impresionat de gustul lui, daca nu era eticheta de pepsi pe sticla puteai sa juri ca e bere biggrin.gif

Iar despre Cola Blak abia astept sa apara si la noi. smile.gif

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