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Posts posted by 2ndAldguth

  1. Nu ma mai obosesc sa raspund prea detaliat la replica ta, Magic Master, dupa ce a spus White. E greu sa pricepi ca legile fizicii permit 100% calatoria in timp, indiferent ca noi (putem / vrem sa)facem asta sau nu?

    Mai, mai, mai, cati doctori in fizica quantica avem pe forum ^_^

    Sfatul meu etern: Nu vorbiti despre lucruri care nu le puteti intelege, si nu va dati cu parerea din auzite.

  2. (Reclama dar nu chiar)

    Cititorilor inraiti le recomand Shelfari(www.shelfari.com), un website unde iti poti cataloga cartile (citite, cele pe care intentionezi sa le citesti, si cele pe care le citesti in prezent) ,poti participa la discutii despre cartile tale favoritem, poti cauta review-uri pt. o anumita carte, etc.

    Eventual ma puteti adauga si pe mine la lista de prieteni intrand aici: http://www.shelfari.com/aldguth si invitandu-ma sa va fiu prieten.

  3. http://www.jacktimes.com/technology/videos-technology/siemens-1924-hearing-aid-or-time-traveler-on-a-cellphone.html


    asa si asta inseamna ca calatorea in timp


    secolul 25:Da

    Calator:Ce faci?

    Secolul 25:Pai bine

    Calator:e frumos in romania

    Secolul 25:aha

    Calator :hai ca inchid ca raman fara minute


    Cel mai lipsit de amuzament lucru care l-am citit/ auzit vreodata. I have such a huge straight face atm.

  4. Deocamdata nu :) Poate intr-un viitor expansion thingy. Acum poti doar sa le +ezi si sa le bagi extra stats.

    Pfoai ce dor imi e de joc. Sper sa bage cat mai repede expansionul cu noile clase, si atunci o sa ma bag din nou.

  5. A1: Nu se pot unbound :( Era la un moment dat un item pe care il puteai cumpara cu bani si facea chestia asta, dar parca l-au scos.

    A2:Random. Poti sa cumperi de la cash shop consumabile care iti arata mereu care e directia corecta.

  6. Citat de pe wikipedia:


    Main article: History of massively multiplayer online role-playing games

    The term MMORPG was coined by Richard Garriott, the creator of Ultima Online, in 1997.[12] Previous to this and related coinages, these games were generally called graphical MUDs; the history of MMORPGs traces back directly through the MUD genre.[13][14] Through this connection, MMORPGs can be seen to have roots in the earliest multi-user games such as Mazewar (1974) and MUD1 (1978). 1985 saw the release of a roguelike (pseudo-graphical) MUD called Island of Kesmai on CompuServe[15] and Lucasfilm's graphical MUD Habitat. The first fully graphical multi-user RPG was Neverwinter Nights, which was delivered through America Online in 1991 and was personally championed by AOL President Steve Case.[16] Other early proprietary graphical online RPGs include three on The Sierra Network: The Shadow of Yserbius in 1992, The Fates of Twinion in 1993, and The Ruins of Cawdor in 1995. Another milestone came in 1995 as NSFNET restrictions were lifted, opening the Internet up for game developers, which allowed for the first truly "massively"-scoped titles. Finally, MMORPGs as defined today began with Meridian 59 in 1996, innovative both in its scope and in offering first-person 3D graphics,[1] with The Realm Online appearing nearly simultaneously.[16] Ultima Online, released in 1997, is often credited with first popularizing the genre,[16] though more mainstream attention was garnered by 1999's EverQuest in the West[16] and 1996's Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds in Asia.

    These early titles' financial success has ensured competition in the genre since that time. MMORPG titles now exist on consoles and in new settings, and their players enjoy higher-quality gameplay. The current market for MMORPGs has Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft dominating as the largest pay-to-play MMORPG,[17] alongside earlier such titles like Final Fantasy XI and Phantasy Star Online, though an additional market exists for free-to-play MMORPGs, which are supported by advertising and purchases of in-game items. This free-to-play model is particularly common in Korean MMORPGs such as MapleStory, Rohan: Blood Feud, and Atlantica Online. Also, there are some free-to-play games, such as RuneScape & Tibia, where the game is free, but one would have to pay monthly to play the game with more features. Guild Wars is an exception. It avoids competition with other MMORPGs by only requiring the initial purchase of the game to play.

    Articol intreg : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massively_multiplayer_online_role-playing_game

    Ai gasit ceva despre mu online pe acolo? Eu nu. Daca la romanasi merge mai greu cu mmourile si faptul ca mu a fost primul a lovit ceva mai tare piata nu inseamna ca asa sta treaba in tot restul lumii.

    Mu nu este, nu a fost si nu v-a fi niciodata un benchmark in lumea jocurilor pe calculator :)

    Parerea ta nu conteaza pentru mine, faptele sunt fapte.

    Nu o sa mai postez offtopic aici. Pentru lamuriri lasa un pm.

  7. M-am apucat si eu de el. Am un warrior de level 18. Jucati pe gpotato? :-?

    Ah, si o intrebare. Cum pot face questul din Windia Plains (chaos) la level-ul meu, sa-l omor pe Vagabond cand eu de-abia le dau dmg foaaaaaaaaaarte mic la mobi? (questul cand mobii au un skull in loc de Q, si harta e intunecata si se vede doar eroul tau ca si cum ar fi luminat cu o lanterna :P)

    Iti trebuie un shield of space and time care ori il primesti la questul respectiv ori il cumperi de la Elga.

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