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Posts posted by JerryBlue

  1. Nume original korean - Dekaron din 2006, producator si publisher Gamehi, acelasi nume imprumutat si de celelalte versiuni asiatice: japoneza, taiwan, etc

    Versiunea Usa - Canada - nume 2moons, publisher Acclaim versiune OB activa din vara 2007, ip-uri externe de Usa-Canada sunt banate din cauza drepturilor restranse pentru regiunea respectiva.

    Versinea Eu http://www.gametribe.com/gt/dekaron.do - se vehiculeaza numele de Bad Moon's rising! , conform forumului european, se va anunta numele dupa CB (nu este exclus sa ramana numele de Dekaron), publisher gametribe, CBT start 22- februarie 2008, ip-uri externe de Eu vor fi banate.

  2. Care 'in sfarsit site oficial' ? Site-ul asta e de cel putin un an lansat...

    Inainte sa intrebi si sa-ti tragi singur concluzia, ai putea sa vezi de cand e topicu, adica May 8 2007, 09:44 .

    E continuarea primului topic Aion, topicul este facut la o zi, maxim doua, de la lansarea site-ului oficial http://eu.aiononline.com/ .

    Continuarea unui topic mai vechi se face din ratiuni elementare prezente si in regulamentul oricarui site ce sustine un forum...

    referitor la jocu Aion reiau :

    Articles from IGN.COM,by Matt Mefford

    Play as a Demon or Angel in a Korean MMO that breaks with level-grinding.

    AION stands for "Epic Everlasting World." Created by NCsoft`s Seoul development studio, it is an MMO which looks to break from convention. According to Yong Taek Bae, Associate Producer for NCsoft Seoul, there will be none of the level-grinding which is common in Korean MMOs. Although not fully disclosed at this time, the leveling-up system will be different from what you would normally expect.

    The premise behind the game is an epic conflict between Demons and Angels, which are the two playable factions of the game. Although details are pending, both of the classes will have bonuses and attributes specific to each. Both will have wings, enabling fast travel throughout the vast world displayed at E3.

    In an interesting twist, all player stats and actions will be recorded. This is significant as the information accumulates over time. How you interact with others and play the game will be tracked. As time progresses, these stats will begin to affect your player and those around you. In instance raids, your stats will either enhance or detract the characteristics of your party.

    AION will have dragons as a third (non-playable) faction. They will have a strong effect on the game, especially in terms of faction balance. At this time, it is unknown how dragons will affect PvE combat although it can be surmised that they will guard loot. In PvP combat, dragons will actually be used to balance out faction wars. Depending on which faction you choose (Demons or Angels), you might find yourself on the receiving end of a fireball. According to NCsoft, the dragons? primary function is to balance out the game world. If one faction is becoming too dominant, the dragons will step in and launch an attack. As to what extent is currently unknown, but it may result in bringing the stronger faction in line with the other.

    There will be eight player classes total, including Warrior, Wizard, Ranger, and Healer. All player classes will be able to change their weapons, armor, and relics on the fly in combat. You will also have access to combo attacks, for devastating effect on your opponents. NCsoft is also including weather effects, which will impact combat abilities. If you are using a lightning attack in the middle of a rain storm, you will get bonuses to hit and damage. If you use a fire attack, however, there will be significant penalties levied against you.

    From a technical standpoint, AION looks to bring some nice visuals to the table. Using the Crytek Sandbox 1.0 Engine (Far Cry) the game will include a heat shimmering effect near the ground (based upon the locale and climate). Weapons are nicely detailed, and there appear to be normal maps. For an MMO, there is a fair amount of groundcover and lush greenery (taking advantage of Sandbox?s ability to handle large numbers of objects). Materials have been given their own characteristics, meaning that if you walk thru terrain like marshland or shallow water, your character will slow down accordingly. NCsoft has assured us that system specs will be low, so all users can enjoy the lush visuals and effects. Expect to see AION released worldwide in 2008.

    Din informatiile mele foarte posibil in vara asta Aion sa fie jucabil intr-o OB varianta in engleza, la fel ca si cum a fost Guild Wars cand s-a lansat.

    Daca vreti sa comparati Aion cu ceva incearcati cu Warhammer sau Conan, sunt cam singurele mari nume ce vor aparea. Lumea e in stare sa cumpere un CB key de Aion la negru cu 150$ http://www.evilavatar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42407 .

    Cateva informatii tehnice referitor la ce se intampla in Cb Korea - observatii :

    (rezumat scos de pe http://www.thisisgame.com/board/view.php?i...mp;subcategory= )

    * There will be no character reset during CBT.

    * The Asmodian lands will enter testing in December.

    * An Aion novel is to be released (in English).

    * Most likely a 15+ age rating game.

    * The game client size is currently around 6 GB.

    * As mentioned, with a GeForce 5700 you'll get an estimated, proud 20 fps.

    * Each tester gets 10 hours of "testing time" during weekends which he/she can distribute him/herself.

    * A character model is made up of around 2,000 polygons.

    * Each server will be able to host 5,000 concurrent players.

    * A customizable/"Open source" User Interface is still under consideration. The problem is that it could open up opportunities for hackers and malicious tools (exploitation).

    Ne mai auzim

    Senior gamer


  3. Acum cateva zile s-a anuntat publishingu la Aion - full p2p si asta se va intampla in vara.

    Recently, NCsoft in Korea released its new business model of the highly anticipated MMORPG Aion. The spokesman of Korean NCsoft said that Aion will go Pay-to-Play in the first half of this year. In a word, Aion is an entirely PAY-to-PLAY MMORPG with monthly subscriptions. Now, Aion is in limited beta in Korea. Approximately, when the second closed beta ended, the game will go open beta and officially lunch.

  4. Vand cont 2moons lvl 118 ak servar Trieste.(cel mai mare roman de pe servaru asta):D 7 milioane usor negociabil.robert_rostas@yahoo.com.Mam saturat de el ma joc de 7 luni numa 2 moons .

    NU ca e mult! E MULT PREA MULT!

    Gandeste-te la urmatoarele motive:

    Cu banii astia poti sa ajungi sa cumperi un joc full p2p cum e wow (exemplu) si sa mai joci si aproape un an.

    2moons publicat de Acclaim e varza din cauza publisherului, o gramada de oameni s-au lasat de el dupa fanfaronada Acclaimului cu gestiunea conturilor, hackerism, gold sellers, etc, personal m-am lasat la lvl 92 bagi la inceputul toamnei, din aceleasi motive.

    Prea multzi hackeri care inca mai activeaza si te trezesti fara cont.

    E joc f2p si nimeni nu plateste pt asa ceva, pt ca serverele f2p se pot inchide fara sa incalce nici un drept, cum s-a mai intamplat.

    Faptu ca pana si tu la lvlu tau te lasi de joc demonstreaza ca si altii chiar mai mici o sa se lase mai ales ca versiunea EU o sa apara curand, GameTribe parand mult mai serioasa ca firma de cat Acclaimu.

    Warhammer si Aion ar putea aparea pana in vara cel putin in faza de OB si cu 7 milioane in jocurile astea cred ca te distrezi mai mult....

  5. care vreti sa jucati pe wow oficial test server puteti, ca i-a dat drumul.

    Printre altele se testeaza>

    Here is a short list of some of the planned class changes that will be introduced in patch 2.4:


    Lacerate: This ability now deals additional damage based on the attack power of the Druid.


    Spellsteal will no longer overwrite a longer duration buff.


    Fear Ward: is now usable while in Shadow form.


    Healing Grace: This talent now reduces the chance your spells will be dispelled by 10/20/30%.


    Ritual of Summoning can be used to summon players into instances if they meet the instance requirements.


    Endless Rage now gives warriors significantly more rage.

    Whirlwind: Critical strikes with the off-hand weapon from this ability can now trigger Flurry and Rampage.

    Items intended for Retribution Paladins have had their stats adjusted. Retribution Paladins should see an increase in dps as a result.

    Cum test serverul nu e p2p, aveti nevoie doar de contul oficial chiar si fara tbc, restul gasiti aici>


  6. pai vezi tu aci e problema ca magu are blink si rogue pe subtelty are shadowstep ,dai blink el da shadow step si e in spatele tau,apoi daca are cripling poisons , mind nubing e si mai nasol multi nu iau in calcul poisons da ele sunt cheia succesului la un rogue ,aici e nasol cu rogue ca nu il mai poti tine asa usor la distanta

    Teoretic exista vesta antiglontz si glontz antivesta.

    Practic daca o sa joci un mag de lvl 70 vreo cel putin 6 luni si mai e si main charu tau, o sa intzelegi ce inseamna tricky mage. Magu si warlocku sunt unele din caracterele cel mai greu de controlat de catre inamic in orice battleground. Niciodata sa nu te increzi ca ai doborat magu sau locku in bg cand ala mai are chiar si 5% viata, indiferent cu cati de-ai tai mai esti in jur. Un mag sau lock e terminat doar atunci cand e mort. Cei care stiu sa joace casteri DD in pvp isi joaca sansa pana la capat, pentru ca exista o sinergie intre cooldownurile spelurilor instante si sansa de critice...

    Nu am de gand sa scriu un manual caster dd vs rogue ca exista destule. dar cum am zis exista exista vesta antiglontz si glontz antivesta pentru fiecare, depinde de skilu celui care joaca.

    In pvp mag vs rogue, deobicei, amandoi folosesc free action potion.

  7. Currently Eligible Realms

    These realms are currently eligible for character transfer.

    High Pop Realms (Origin) -> Low Pop Realms (Destination) Restriction

    Al'Akir (PvP) -> Kor'gall (PvP) None

    Destromath (PvP) -> Gul'dan (PvP) None

    Destromath (PvP) -> Terrordar (PvP) None

    Frostwolf (PvP) -> Gul'dan (PvP) None

    Frostwolf (PvP) -> Blutkessel (PvP) None

    Onyxia (PvP) -> Gul'dan (PvP) None

    Onyxia (PvP) -> Blutkessel (PvP) None

    Magtheridon (PvP) -> Mazrigos (PvP) None

    Magtheridon (PvP) -> Kor'gall (PvP) None

    Frostmane (PvP) -> Mazrigos (PvP) None

    Al'Akir (PvP) -> Mazrigos (PvP) None

    Burning Legion (PvP) -> Mazrigos (PvP) None

    Burning Legion (PvP) -> Kor'gall (PvP) None

    Destromath (PvP) -> Nefarian (PvP) None

    Destromath (PvP) -> Festung der St?rme (PvP) None

    Destromath (PvP) -> Echsenkessel (PvP) None

    Destromath (PvP) -> Blutkessel (PvP) None

    Frostwolf (PvP) -> Terrordar (PvP) None

    Frostwolf (PvP) -> Nefarian (PvP) None

    Frostwolf (PvP) -> Festung der St?rme (PvP) None

    Frostwolf (PvP) -> Echsenkessel (PvP) None

    Onyxia (PvP) -> Terrordar (PvP) None

    Onyxia (PvP) -> Nefarian (PvP) None

    Onyxia (PvP) -> Festung der St?rme (PvP) None

    Onyxia (PvP) -> Echsenkessel (PvP) None

    Frostmane (PvP) -> Kor'gall (PvP) None

    Thursday February 7 2008

  8. Ma minunez ce poate sa spune lumea si inca din titlu. Op-ule daca foloseai macar optiunea de cautare vedeai ca e un topic Aion din May 8 2007 si gaseai si toate informatiile de care aveai nevoie.


    Daca nu aveti rabdare sa cititi toate informatiile din topicu ala, dau un rezumat mai jos ca sa se inteleaga diferentele de gameplay, grafica, etc.

    Articles from IGN.COM,by Matt Mefford

    Play as a Demon or Angel in a Korean MMO that breaks with level-grinding.

    AION stands for "Epic Everlasting World." Created by NCsoft`s Seoul development studio, it is an MMO which looks to break from convention. According to Yong Taek Bae, Associate Producer for NCsoft Seoul, there will be none of the level-grinding which is common in Korean MMOs. Although not fully disclosed at this time, the leveling-up system will be different from what you would normally expect.

    The premise behind the game is an epic conflict between Demons and Angels, which are the two playable factions of the game. Although details are pending, both of the classes will have bonuses and attributes specific to each. Both will have wings, enabling fast travel throughout the vast world displayed at E3.

    In an interesting twist, all player stats and actions will be recorded. This is significant as the information accumulates over time. How you interact with others and play the game will be tracked. As time progresses, these stats will begin to affect your player and those around you. In instance raids, your stats will either enhance or detract the characteristics of your party.

    AION will have dragons as a third (non-playable) faction. They will have a strong effect on the game, especially in terms of faction balance. At this time, it is unknown how dragons will affect PvE combat although it can be surmised that they will guard loot. In PvP combat, dragons will actually be used to balance out faction wars. Depending on which faction you choose (Demons or Angels), you might find yourself on the receiving end of a fireball. According to NCsoft, the dragons? primary function is to balance out the game world. If one faction is becoming too dominant, the dragons will step in and launch an attack. As to what extent is currently unknown, but it may result in bringing the stronger faction in line with the other.

    There will be eight player classes total, including Warrior, Wizard, Ranger, and Healer. All player classes will be able to change their weapons, armor, and relics on the fly in combat. You will also have access to combo attacks, for devastating effect on your opponents. NCsoft is also including weather effects, which will impact combat abilities. If you are using a lightning attack in the middle of a rain storm, you will get bonuses to hit and damage. If you use a fire attack, however, there will be significant penalties levied against you.

    From a technical standpoint, AION looks to bring some nice visuals to the table. Using the Crytek Sandbox 1.0 Engine (Far Cry) the game will include a heat shimmering effect near the ground (based upon the locale and climate). Weapons are nicely detailed, and there appear to be normal maps. For an MMO, there is a fair amount of groundcover and lush greenery (taking advantage of Sandbox?s ability to handle large numbers of objects). Materials have been given their own characteristics, meaning that if you walk thru terrain like marshland or shallow water, your character will slow down accordingly. NCsoft has assured us that system specs will be low, so all users can enjoy the lush visuals and effects. Expect to see AION released worldwide in 2008.

    Din informatiile mele foarte posibil in vara asta Aion sa fie jucabil intr-o OB varianta in engleza, la fel ca si cum a fost Guild Wars cand s-a lansat.

    Nu se stie inca in ce varianta p2p/f2p packet/ f2p gameshop vor publica jocul worldwide, intrucat piata koreana-japoneza de jocuri e mult diferita de restul lumii, iar studiourile Arenanet din US care se ocupa si cu publishingu worldwide, printre altele, apartine tot firmei mama NCsoft, localizata in Korea.

    Daca vreti sa comparati Aion cu ceva incearcati cu Warhammer, sunt cam singurele mari neme ce vor aparea. Lumea e in stare sa cumpere un CB key de Aion la negru cu 150$ http://www.evilavatar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42407 .

    Cateva informatii tehnice referitor la ce se intampla in Cb - observatii :

    (rezumat scos de pe http://www.thisisgame.com/board/view.php?i...mp;subcategory= )

    * There will be no character reset during CBT.

    * The Asmodian lands will enter testing in December.

    * An Aion novel is to be released (in English).

    * Most likely a 15+ age rating game.

    * The game client size is currently around 6 GB.

    * As mentioned, with a GeForce 5700 you'll get an estimated, proud 20 fps.

    * Each tester gets 10 hours of "testing time" during weekends which he/she can distribute him/herself.

    * A character model is made up of around 2,000 polygons.

    * Each server will be able to host 5,000 concurrent players.

    * A customizable/"Open source" User Interface is still under consideration. The problem is that it could open up opportunities for hackers and malicious tools (exploitation).

    Fara cuvinte, CB client de 6 giga, GF 5700 doar 20 fps, 2000 polygoane intr-un caracter si lumea isi face probleme de grafica ....

    Ne mai auzim

    Senior gamer


  9. La 3 luni dupa ce au cumparat licenta de Dekaron Eu si la 2 luni dupa ce au deschis site-u, Gametribe lanseaza CB pe 22 februarie.

    Ca si la celelate jocuri Gametribe probabil vor fi destule CB keyuri pt toti.




    Great news for you, merciless PvP players: GameTribe will launch the European Closed Beta of the famous MMO, DEKARON, on Feb. 22nd!

    Limited access is available: do not miss the opportunity to fight for the DEKARON resistance army.

    We?ll send an email to all the lucky players that will be extracted!

    No mercy for the weak: Dekaron is pure survival!

    Pt CB keyuri o sa incerc sa va anunt din timp (daca nu sunt ocupat).

    Gametribe de obicei lanseaza CB keyurile inainte cu 2-3 zile sau dupa ce au dat drumul la servere prin parteneriat cu mmosite onrpg mmorpg gamershell onlinewelten mondespersistants jeuxvideo.com jeuxonline mmorpgitalia juegaenred.

    Take care!

    Senior gamer


  10. Care v-ati mai saturat de Acclaim si totusi va place 2moons-dekaron va dau o veste buna.

    La inceputul lui 2008 vor aparea servere EU sustinute de GameTribe.

    GameTribe is proud to announce the acquisition of the European licence for the greatly awaited free to play MMORPG game: Dekaron.

    The agreement was signed by GameTribe and GameHi, developers of the game, to offer the localized version of the game to all European players.

    Dekaron is a fusion-fantasy 3D MMORPG set in a violent, Middle Ages based scenery. Its realistic environment and explosive adventure make this extraordinary game much like watching a fast-paced action movie. You must journey into this magical world with hundreds of other adventurers and explore perilous dungeons and fantastical cities in the world of Haran.

    No mercy for the weak: Dekaron is pure survival!

    The game already has localized versions for the Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese markets. The English version dedicated to the North American market by Acclaim is presently in its Open Beta phase under the name of 2Moons.

    First details:

    European Closed beta: this phase will start in Early 2008

    European servers and services will be dedicated to European players in order to deliver the most enjoyable and involving experience.

    It’s now time for EU gamers to get ready to play Dekaron: the Closed Beta version will be available on GameTribe.com in a few months, so hurry up to register and do not miss your chance!

    Stay tuned on www.gametribe.com for further updates.


    Avand in vedere ca GameTribea cumparat licenta exclusiva pt. EU, acclaim foarte probabil vor fi solicitati sa baneze ipurile eu....

  11. Cel mai agresiv sistem de pvp -_- Ma lasi frate? Faptul ca ti se clatina imaginea si sare sange din respectivul inseamna ca e agresiv la tine? W/E, dar sa sti ca nu e corect sa spui ca alte jocuri sunt proaste si cel jucate de tin e super misto doar pentru ca il joci 18/24.....pentru ca se pare ca asa faci din moment ce ai ajuns level asa mare in asa scurt timp.

    =)) Cine joaca ma 18/24. Pai serviciu si femeia cui le las ma? In ultimile 2 saptamani mi-au murit 2 cunostinte asa ca numa de calculator nu-mi arde. Am mai primit si invitatie de CAT la Hellgate:

    Congratulations! You've been selected to be part of the very first group to help test Hellgate: London, the highly-anticipated Action-RPG from Flagship Studios!

    Click the link below to create an account and download the game:


    This is a unique code that will only let you make ONE account, so do not forward it to friends! Please make an account and install Hellgate as soon as possible, then wait for the starting time listed on the Hellgate: London Alpha website to log in and play!

    Sper sa-l iau cat de curand. Vad ca imi cere spatiu de download de 9 giga clientu.

    Lvl 60+ in 2moons dupa 3 saptamani e nimic.

    Se face si 40K/1min la lvl 65+ asta inseamna peste 2 milioane xp/ora in party in 2MOONS. Cum crezi ca au sarit aia deja in lvl 85+. Ala care e 85 a facut de 3-4 ori mai mult total xp decat un lvl 60.

    Lvl 84-85= 35,315,280 xp fata de Lvl 60 =3,848,246.

    Lvl 84-85=Lvl 60+ pe total. Baga-ti nasu aici si convinge-te http://forum.mmog.ro/viewtopic.php?t=807.

    Mai rasfoieste si tu forumu pe 2Moons site si citeste cate guilde sunt full cu lvl 60+.

    Cu privire la faptul ca e cel mai agresiv sistem pvp, duda, informatia e preluata de pe mmsosite, mmorpg, onrpg site-uri care si-au dat cu parerea si au preluat o gramada de interviuri inca de acum un an.

    "The game is going to probably be the most violent MMO on the market"


    Dai cu google si gasesti mai multe.

    N-am zis ca Wow e prost, e depasit, pentru ca si eu l-am jucat de la inceput.

    Citeste la Allianta, poate ma gasesti:



  12. cum sa intreaca rahatu ala de 2moons WoW?:s

    Zazone daca vrei sa faci o comparatie intre 2 jocuri joaca-le macar pe jumatate =)) . Esti penibil. De ce crezi ca serverele sunt arhipline inca din OB? Aproape jumatate din jucatorii 2Moons provin din Europa de Vest, fosti jucatori de wow, cu varsta medie peste 20 de ani. Crezi ca aia nushtiu sa aprecieze calitatea unui joc? Cel mai slab semiboss de low lvl arata mai bine ca orice creatura din Wow din punct de vedere grafic. In privinta skilurilor numai Sun si Fury poate concura cu Dekaron (si nu e vorba de efecte, e vorba de sinergii, combusuri, bonusuri, particularitati pe care le observi de la lvl 55 in sus), ca si pveu si pvpu, sistemu de xp, share xp, etc. Are cel mai agresiv pvp creat vreodata intr-un mmorpg, si are absolut toate genurile de pvp si pve pe care le au toate jocurile adunate. Nu sunt implementate inca, pentru ca deabia sunt in versiunea koreana (si nu toate, pt. ca GameHi nu nici macar cat o jumatate de divizie a NcSoft, ceea ce face sa intarzie update-urile, din cauza asta a si apelat la publisheri straini, petru ca nu au infrastructura de genu asta).

    Sunt CBT in Tabula Rasa si CAT in Fury si ca si 2moons sau Sun sunt MULT peste WOW. Am dat conturile din TR, Fury si 2M, si la altii si au ajuns la aceasi concluzie, daca mai inca 9-17 ani du-te si joaca Wow, ai peste 18-20 si un calculator bun joaca oricare din celelalte.

    In privinta ramului pe calculator Lashane 1,5 giga se poarta pe calculatoare din toamna-iarna 2004, avand in vedere ca o placa de baza inca din 2003 poate duce intre 2-3 giga ddr1 . Probabil ca tu joci pe vre-un tzambal in 2007, pentru ca placile de baza au ajuns sa tzina 3 giga ddr3. Baga Fury si o sa vezi ce inseamna utilizare ram.

  13. JerryBlue am si eu char Bagi lvl 30 acum, pls spune-mi si mie, da-mi niste sfaturi adik pe unde sa merg sa fac si eu lvle pana pe la 50-55 ca esti destul de mult in fata mea si poate din experienta ta imi impartasesti si mie. Sau poate altii mai mari decat mine sau cu experienta pe hartile acestui joc si poate cu ocazia asta mai invata si altii nu numai eu.

    Multumesc anticipat.

    :tiphat: RESPEC"ALL

    pana la 34 Hellharp,

    34-35-45-55 solo Dungeon - parka shrine, party norak 1-2 - castor 1-2

    55-60+ Crespo

    60-65+ party Dungeon C+B in Crespo

    65-75+ party Dungeon B+A (A numa cu tovarasi 7x si cel putin o signale), party Draco Desert.....

    imagine din Draco Desert - soparle bulldogi :cool2:

  14. Bagi in super sayan 1 mode :dance:

    Imagine IPB

    sper sa ma vad in supersayan 2 la lvl 90 , 3 la 120 si 4 la 150 :cool2: bafta tuturor, de la lvl 55+ deja intrii in alta lume. :bananadance2:

  15. De ma Lasher, chestiile alea koreene retardate cum le numesti bat din an in an recordurile la vanzari mai ales pe xbox si ps2, ca sa nu mai zic ca primele companii de mmo de pe piata sunt koreene. NCsoft (ala care a facut lineage2) aloca la fiecare mmo o echipa de peste 100 de oameni numai la capitolul concept si constructie a jocului. Daca tie ti se pare retard ce au gandit aia du-te si controleaza-te la un blacksmith cu un ciocan. Daca ai lag in 2moons nu e vina lor e vina ta, fiindca vrei sa joci. Serverele sunt in America (si restu lumii sunt doar vizitatori) si sunt full pt. ca sunt prea multi carora le place jocu asta retardat cu grafica retardata, cu camera retardata, e doar un OB retardat care o sa devina curand un mmo adevarat retardat ... macar pe site scrie mare, doar pentru retardati peste 17 ani si nu ca la wow unde scrie pentru retardati de la 12 ani in sus. Nu vrei nu joci, iar gusturile nu se comenteaza pentru ca o gramada de oameni (cel putin toti din guildu meu au peste 19 ani) umplu serverele la maxim gasesc in jocu asta exact ceea ce nu gasesti tu. Bine ma deshteptule in general lasa-ne pe noi astia retardatii si joaca tu la alta masa unde nu e joc korean.

  16. Nu are cum sa fie mai bun ca p2p ... in primul rand, wow e facut acum multi ani ( 3 parca ), iar 2moons deabia a aparut. Si grafica nici nu e mai buna overall,lol, doar ca are niste efecte in plus. View distanceu e jenant, iar ground filter-ul e prea apropiat de tine ( si pamantul se vede mai oribil ca in alte jocuri cand nu e filtrat ). Personajele au o postura ciudata ( cel putin summoneru, vrea sa arata "cul", dar defapt arata cam retard ), si dau un MARE minus la customizarea personajelor ( =0 ). Ma rog, asta poate fi implementat pana la final release, dar intai sa se intample. Faza cu portalele intre zone iar e o miscare gresita, era mult mai marfa daca se facea trecerea normal. Iar acel "shield" e si in lineage 2, doar ca sub alt nume ( si comparativ cu aici, e mai mic decat HP-ul ).

    Lasher lasa-ne tata. 2moons-Dekaron a intrat deja in al doilea an, nu e deloc nou. Camera e foarte buna, nu ai de ce sa te legi de ea decat daca pana acum ai jucat solitaire ba din contra are un plus la rotirea characterului si mersul lateral care se poate si fara sa misti in vre-un sens camera. Nici nu poti compara grafica din Dekaron cu wow, ca nu ai ce sa compari, Dekaron e net superior fata de wow unde poti vedea jpg-urile deja de pe grafica la mediu. Daca nu numesti cateva efecte in plus, doar ce poate fi suportat de pixel shader2+, du-te cu sorcova tata si cumpara-ti alta placa video. Nu au bagat customizare la personaje (ca la majoritatea jocurilor koreene) dintr-un singur motiv - nu e nevoie pentru ca intotdeaua esti imbracat in altceva personaju arata altfel. Degeaba esti brunet cu paru blond sau chel si cu ochii albastrii daca porti ditamai coifu pe cap, nu se vede in poza.

    Faci pe el de joc p2p sunt sute, si probabil de 99% nici nu ai auzit, unele mai sunt inca p2p si au deja 7 ani si arata ca tetrisu. La faza cu portaluri intre harti te-ai inecat de tot. Nu e vorba de era mult mai marfa, e vorba de controlul lagului pe server si in calculatoru tau, impartirea si restrictionarea zonelor (se foloseste metoda asta de mai bine de 5 ani la mmourile koreene).

    Oricum nu ma mira ca nu vezi diferentzele atata timp tu stai cu ochii in pamant dupa cum zici.

    Din partea mea, mai draga, nici sa nu te apuci de 2moons, ai fi inca unu care ar mari lagu.

  17. zi mi si mie numele la Guild Master ... :)

    Nu trebuie neaparat sa vorbiti cu GuildMasteru, incercati si voi sa dati pm :ConanBarbarul, jolyjoker, IIVII, va indruma ei.

    Jocu e mult mai fain decat toate p2p-urile. Wow nici nu se poate compara cu el. In 2moons la lvl 50 deja arati ca avand ultimu tier din wow pe tine, iar grafica cu enviromentu, mobii, skilurile, etc..e cu mult peste. Daca grafica pt.wow e suportata la maxim de o fx5700, 2Moons se vede de departe ca e facut pe gf7xxx. Au tot ce vrei in joc, itemuri pe 4 categorii de calitate, poti schimba ceva pe tine la fiecare lvl, socketuri 1-4 + age (fortify,enchanting) pana la +9, glowuri pe itemuri de la alb pana curcubeu, rozbonbon si ce vreti voi. Gasesti pvp oricand si oriunde, sistemul de guilda mult mai dezvoltat ca in wow (e pe rankuri si rankul se stabileste in fuctie de puncte acumulate si alte chestii). Au sistem de pvp si instante pve cu restrictie pentru anumite lvle pentru echilibru. Avantajul diferentei de nivel in pvp e mult mai mare decat in wow. Ai viata special pt. pvp numita shield, fata de viata normala. (am 4400+ hp acu si shield 12 k, cand ma bat in pvp damageu se calculeaza din shield, etc). Normal ca nu e perfect, e versiunea beta mostenita de la koreeni, da are viitor. Personal sper sa nu mai intre nimeni in joc, :nanana: , e lag cu sacosha mai ales dupa-amiaza, serverele-s full. Un bous mare fata de wow sa zicem e ca nu se repeta acelasi mob la lvle diferite. Daca in wow vezi orci, ogre, gnoli, porci, etc... la toate lvle numai ca sunt mai mici sau mai mari si altfel pictati, aici in 2moons nu. Fiecare mob are grafica lui unika in toate cele 150 de lvle. AI-u se vede ca e facut ca pentru un joc comercial, nu te ataca mai mult de 2 mobi (chiar daca in jur sunt 6), din motive lesne de inteles(dar tot se poate truka un aoe).

    Pacat de joc ca a picat pe mana Acclaimului. Sper sa avem un update curand cu instante noi sau/si servere noi sa se mai imparta lumea.

  18. Exista 2 feluri de lag in 2Moons. Unu de grafica, si se vaita de el si aia cu gf6800+/256+ si ala de server, toate cele 6 canale (subservere) ale serverului sunt full, speram sa mai bage cateva. Am vazut azi o guilda de romani getodacii, cica primesc pe oricine cu orice lvl. Se merita jucat mai mult decat orice mmo de pe piata, o sa vedeti asta dupa ce sariti de lvl 35.

  19. nu mi se pare cine stie ce , sincer.

    Poate ca tie nu dar la 1,690,831 persoane cate s-au inregistrat pana azi pe site-u 2moons inainte de OB, li se pare ceva mai mult.

    uite un filmueltz mai recent :

  20. fiindca mai jos in toolbar scrie psp cash

    dar desigur aceasta informatie se batea cap in cap cu item mall'ul


    .... esti glumetz!

    Pai P2p = numele firmei

    cash= bani

    e exact ca Acclaim coins.

    Acclaim = numele firmei

    coins= bani

    Chiar si site incepe cu numele firmei www.P2PPL.net. Se vede si in poza ta. Nu ai cum sa ai dubii.

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