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Posts posted by ooo1o1o1

  1. Programe de tip Daemon Tools sau Virtual Drive vad ca nu ai instalate.

    Removable Disk pot fi de la card reader (asta daca ai asa ceva).

    Partitii se pot crea in felul urmator:

    Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Computer Management->Disk Management->Create Partition (asta in cazul in care partitia nu exista (ntfs sau fat))

    In cazul in care ai partitia creata (cum este la tine H) foloseste un program gen Partition Magic pentru a crea o partitie din locul disponibil pe partitia H. (cred ca optiunea este: "shrink volume")

  2. Copy & Paste:

    The {$S+} directive tells the compiler to generate stack checking code. This generates code to check if a stack overflow occurred, i.e. to see whether the stack has grown beyond its maximally allowed size. If the stack grows beyond the maximum size, then a run-time error is generated, and the program will exit with exit code 202.

    Specifying {$S-} will turn generation of stack-checking code off.

    The command-line compiler switch -Ct has the same effect as the {$S+} directive.

  3. Am facut eu upload la Borland C++.


    Sau mai exista urmatoarele variante:

    a. Instalezi NetBeans, downloadezi CygWin, instalezi si din optiunile NetBeans atasezi compilatorul.

    b. Compilezi cu Visual Studio.NET

    win 7

    Instaleaza VLC Player, nu are nevoie de codecuri.

    Sau incearca: Vista Codec Package

    Cum Windows 7 este inca Beta1...cam nasol, l-am instalat si eu, probleme are cu Internet Security (rar gasesti unul care merge).

    De la Norton functioneaza Norton 360 (versiunea beta), de la Kaspersky functioneaza si de la Trend Micro (ce a functionat la mine).

    O sa ai probleme cu Daemon Tools (doar virtual drive merge).


  4. Minimum Configuration

    (to play 720p video)

    # Windows XP

    # Windows Media Player 9 Series

    # 2.4 GHz processor or equivalent

    # 384 MB of RAM

    # 64 MB video card

    # 1024 x 768 screen resolution

    # 16-bit sound card

    # Speakers

    Optimum Configuration

    (to play 1080p video with 5.1 surround sound)

    # Windows XP

    # Windows Media Player 10

    # DirectX 9.0

    # 1.8 GHz Intel Core Duo or higher processor (or equivalent);

    3.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or higher processor (or equivalent)

    # 512 MB of RAM

    # 128 MB video card

    # 1920 x 1440 screen resolution

    # 24-bit 96 kHz multichannel sound card

    # 5.1 surround sound speaker system

    Sursa: Click aici.

  5. Daca te referi la Linux (asa inteleg din postul tau: shell) poti accesa fisierele cu "vi" sau "vim" in felul urmator:

    vi "nume fisier"
    Ex: vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    vim "nume fisier"
    Ex: vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    Ambele comenzi acceseaza fisierul "xorg.conf" din directorul "X11".
    Recomand "vim".

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