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Posts posted by atk.oxyg3n

  1. sa fie pentru motivul ca instalarea unui sistem de operare pe SATA este diferit de cel pe ATA ? sa fie pentru ca ai nevoie de driverele SATA ca sa poti instala ? hmm ...

  2. mai fa un efort si incearca sa downloadezi din nou arhivele.

    exista 2 posibilitati : una in care arhiva este stricata si pe site la ei ... sau ... din cauza netului nu s-a downloadat complet.

  3. din cate stiu, ca sa poti folosi doua sau mai multe monitoare iti trebuie un aparat special, un fel de hub, care imparte / multiplica semnalul care iese din placa video la mai multe monitoare.

  4. in legatura cu eroare de la Generic Host Process for Win32 Services



    deschideti TransportBindName si stergeti pur si simplu valoarea implicita


    deschideti EnableDCOM si in loc de Y puneti N

    inchideti tot si restart

  5. din cate stiu ... deepfreeze-ul nu-l poti scoate din safe mode, altfel nu ar mai fi folositor, intrucat oricine poate intra in safe mode si sa-l dezactiveze / dezinstaleze.

    dupa un mic search pe google : LINK

    1. I have lost my password. What can I do to reset the password?

    It is not possible to recover a lost or changed Deep Freeze password from your workstation. For further assistance, please contact technical support with your full contact information, installed product version, and license information. Support can be reached via email through support (at) faronics (dot) com or via telephone at 1-800-943-6422 x 1.

    7. I installed Deep Freeze and forgot my password; can you give me a password to turn Deep Freeze off?

    There are no backdoor passwords to Deep Freeze. Faronics cannot recover lost, forgotten, changed, or otherwise misplaced passwords or Customization Codes.

    For licensed versions of Deep Freeze:

    Using our unique One Time Password system, Deep Freeze Enterprise Administrators can generate One Time Passwords (OTP). To generate an OTP:

    1. Open the Deep Freeze login dialog on the workstation for which you need to generate the OTP.

    2. Write down the Token code which is located at the top of the login dialog.

    3. Open the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator and click the One-Time Passwords tab or open the Enterprise Console and click on Tools > One Time Password.

    4. Enter the code you recorded into the Token field and click Generate OTP. Another code will appear in the OTP field. The second code is the password for the workstation.

    The newly generated One-Time Password can then be used to disable, uninstall, and re-install Deep Freeze with the correct password.

    For Evaluation versions of Deep Freeze:

    1. Restart the computer.

    2. Enter the system BIOS settings.

    3. Advance the clock by at least 60 days and then restart your computer. This will disable the software.

    4. After the system has started, run the Deep Freeze installation program to uninstall Deep Freeze.

    5. After the computer reboots, re-enter the BIOS and reset the clock to the current date. You can then re-install Deep Freeze after restarting.

    If you are running a licensed copy of Deep Freeze Standard please contact Faronics Technical Support at Toll Free: 800-943-6422 or Tel: +1 (604) 637-3333 with your license information so that a support case can be opened on your issue.

  6. incearca sa intri in safe mode ... daca-ti face la fel si acolo ... reinstall

    ma indoiesc sa ai aceeasi problema dupa ce ai reformatat c-ul

    Am reformatat tot C-u si cand imi intra in desktop la fel imi aparea doar mess-u , winamp si recycle bin .Intru in C aveam toate fisierele...
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