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Posts posted by uLise

  1. Salutare baieti :D


    Un server unic zic eu ... combinat cu DotA lvl maxim 25 etc.. nu ma pricep eu.


    cateva aspecte


    1. Warchief - the more and faster u hit him, the faster u die.. has AOE aggression that forces u to attack him for X secs, a great tank overall.

    2. Dread Lord - can make u heal himself when u damage him, deals good melee damage.

    3. Shadow Priest - support class, can also be good for killing ppl, slowing, decreasing their defenses by allot, healing.. AIO. Protip: dont play it as a mage, u NOOOOOOBS!


    1. Enchanter - archer class, can spawn a tree that can root(?) and pull targets to the tree, also has a skill that greatly depends on the distance between u and enemy, the bigger it is, the bigger is tha dmg.

    2. Invoker - CBA to explain

    3. Medusa - archer/tank class, manipulates mana, can make ppl's spells cast allot more to cast etc, super good vs high mana consume nukers like revenant and necro

    4. Lycan - Burst damage class or something like that, great moving speed, cant be slowed when transformed into a wolf.. also has a wolf summon

    5. Lightning Revenant - epic mage class with stuns, and most important % of max and % of current hp damage, can kill tanks with TONSSSS of HP in 20 sec as result. Downside is his hugeee mana consume.


    1. Stealth Assassin - he's sneaky, doh, can go fully invis, has blink to target skill which makes it almost impossible to get away from dis nub, stuns, AOE silence.. veryyyyyyy fun to play, downside is low HP and maby MP consume.

    2. Dragon Knight - Can transform into.... guess urself, has shiz loads of HP, super high HP regen, good/decent damage too if u build it right, a stun.. = Meaty tank class.

    3. Crystal Maiden - low hp mage with lots of epic disables and slows, doesnt burn thru mana as fast as revenant.

    4. Holy Knight - mainly a healer/support, can also prevent enemies from being healed and greatly reduce their p.atk n m.atk, also counters dread lord.

    Dark Elfies:

    1. Necrolyte - mage class with epic aoe capability and multiple summons (eidolons).. can be played in lots of different ways (im epic with it).

    Also has a skill with high mp consum and cooldown that more or less kills an enemy with 40% hp or less, if however enemy has say 90% hp it will barely do any damage.

    2. Silencer - anti mage with lots of silence skillz

    3. Drow Ranger - archer class, with good burst damage, aoe silence around self, speed boost, looooooong range assassinate skill.. will suck if u suck, will shine and rape if u play it right and build it right (like most luna classes tbh)

    4. Bloodseeker - Mhmm.. can run with epictastic speed, like 100 more than any1 else, can physical silence and do like 40% of enemys max hp as damage while damaging self.. kinda good with necrolyte or revenant id guess, but overall this class is bit fukd up (In mah opinion..).


    1. Dont_rememb_name - Just one class for da dorfies atm, so name doesnt matter.. can set up mines and detonate them remotly.. manipulate enemie's weight, set up a stationary IMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR turret.. anyway hes pretty strong as a fighter, and a great ambusher.

  2. hehe ms....nu am farmat deloc.....crede-ma ca nu iti treaba nush cate milioane sp pt warrior...si nici flag vip nu am...la 70 am farmat 110k sp...si atat :) mereu cresc in gap :-j pot declara warrioru' cel mai frumos build si cel mai modest la consum de sp :tiphat:

    eu joc pe rSRO am 50 pe wizz si vreau sa fac 76 sa-mi farmez warrior/cleric

    ajung 2.5m sp ?

  3. nimeni nu a zis ca e pentru "aia mari" tu ai mai jucat pe server cu mine ...ai fost si in academia mea dar nu ai mai fost on ....in Romania sau Parazitii sigur ai loc...sunt guilde de romani :) jucam pe KingCraft ( vechiul Cavalry ) ;)

    Hauleu leoky dar ce-ai crescut ma :)) ai avut pwfarm mocca :crybaby:

    GZ ma =D

  4. Nu e chiar o sugestie originala dar e buna zic eu.

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