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Posts posted by atentat

  1. Am nevoie de un transplant de inima care poate fi efectuat doar in Elvetia din cauza grupei rare de sange care o am. Pentru a putea trai in continuare am nevoie de 27.450 de euro din care s-au strans doar 3.579. Rog pe toti cei cu dare de mana si cu posibilitati sa ma ajute cu cat pot. Pentru a ma putea ajuta am deschis un cont in lei RO80RZBR0000060002728242 la Raiffeisen Bank. Va multumesc

    Si noi de unde sa stim ca nu zici la caterinca? :)...si apropo...cei care au nevoie de ajutor nu cer niciodata!!

  2. O legenda? :| Cultura voastrea generala lasa de dorit.

    Drumul matasii este o retea de rute comerciale ce face legatura intre Asia si lumea mediteraneana.

    +25 si si si si..

    The region separating China from Europe and Western Asia is not the most hospitable in the world. Much of it is taken up by the Taklimakan desert, one of the most hostile environments on our planet. There is very little vegetation, and almost no rainfall; sandstorms are very common, and have claimed the lives of countless people. The locals have a very great respect for this `Land of Death'; few travellers in the past have had anything good to say about it. It covers a vast area, through which few roads pass; caravans throughout history have skirted its edges, from one isolated oasis to the next. The climate is harsh; in the summer the daytime temperatures are in the 40's, with temperatures greater than 50 degrees Celsius measured not infrequently in the sub-sealevel basin of Turfan. In winter the temperatures dip below minus 20 degrees. Temperatures soar in the sun, but drop very rapidly at dusk. Sand storms here are very common, and particularly dangerous due to the strength of the winds and the nature of the surface. Unlike the Gobi desert, where there there are a relatively large number of oases, and water can be found not too far below the surface, the Taklimakan has much sparser resources.

    The land surrounding the Taklimakan is equally hostile. To the northeast lies the Gobi desert, almost as harsh in climate as the Taklimakan itself; on the remaining three sides lie some of the highest mountains in the world. To the South are the Himalaya, Karakorum and Kunlun ranges, which provide an effective barrier separating Central Asia from the Indian sub-continent. Only a few icy passes cross these ranges, and they are some of the most difficult in the world; they are mostly over 5000 metres in altitude, and are dangerously narrow, with precipitous drops into deep ravines. To the north and west lie the Tianshan and Pamir ranges; though greener and less high, the passes crossing these have still provided more than enough problems for the travellers of the past. Approaching the area from the east, the least difficult entry is along the `Gansu Corridor', a relatively fertile strip running along the base of the Qilian mountains, separating the great Mongolian plateau and the Gobi from the Tibetan High Plateau. Coming from the west or south, the only way in is over the passes.

    e o mica(mare) adugare :P......Dati si la mine + :))))

  3. Are cineva vreun Bower full int sau un Spear hibrid de lvl 32-50 si vrea sal vanda ??

    sa lase mesaj nu conteaza serveru

    Bow-ul nu merge pe full int...pe full int merge sword/shild si pear pt ca au cel mai mare mag atack.Bow merge full str sau hybrid...Iti recomand sa-ti faci bow pe full str pt inceput ca e greu pe full int ca mori de multe ori daca nu le ai :P

  4. hristoase...o sa fii hybrid nuker :))

    ce e asa greu?Tu doar bagi vreo cateva nivele ca sa ai balance peste 95 sau 95

    Se vede k ai jukt mult sro.Chiar dak ai lvl mare mai invatza si tu ceva.Cu botu asta numai stii nik.Mai citeste, mai documenteazate.Ca ce zic eu nu e inventat de mn.Sunt lucruri adevarate.As sta mai mult sa vb despre hybrizi in sro da nam timp.Oricum o sa sara expertii in sro sa faca flame si sami spuna k nam dreptate.Ink odata cel cu dilema cu spear.Dak pui p spear si ai echipament bun nu ai motive de ingrijorare...

    Nu o luati in nume de rau , vorba lu deathzor vedeta forumului , dak nu ai trecut de lvl 50 in sro si nu ai realizari in sro esti un idiot...pfff As vrea sa stiu ce a vrut sa zica domnul mirific (deathzor adik) prin realizari in sro.Pt cei kre nu sunt la curent uitativa la pagina 760.Pacat ca are "realizari" in sro si in celelalte aspecte ale vietii nu are , stiti voi , bani ,viata sociala etc

    E de admirat totusi ca omoara unici cu 70 de lvle mai mica k el.asta da realizare!

    Daca omul a pornit cu full int ar trebui sa ramana asa...nu are rost sa se incurce cu str...daca ar merge hybrid ar trebui sa-si aleaga cum sa bage punctele de str(2:1,3:1,5:1,7:1,.....) si nu are rost sa se incurce daca a inceput cu full int.Iti recomand sa ramai pe full int,bagi light imbue si folosesti nukurile de light si cold.Cand faci destule sp-uri bagi la bycheon skilurile si daca ai sp-uri pe la inceput iti recomand sa duci heux la lvl 30 pt pasiva ca fire nu are rost la lvl 30.

  5. azi mi-am luat sm ul deci o sa il intrec in curand pe ratonul de atentat :P

    edit: si da andistoica ascultal pe cel care zice sa bagi in str ca asa a auzit el ca fac cei de pe ksro :))

    face ti-am zis si o sa mearga bine. mergi pe s/s si baga in biceon cand ai sp-uri si o sa mearga si mai bine cu pasiva de block. plus ca e mult mai fun ca un s/s. pt spear daca nu dai nukuri e monoton. o sa fie sss sse ghost spear, sss, sse ghost spear. la s/s ai mai multe. poti da ultimele 2 combouri care iti clatesc ochii cand le vezi :P. dai nukuri kd ai 3 stab ai iara 3. ai si pasiva de phy def exact ceea ce iti trebuie.

    si nu il asculta. nu baga in str. full int all the way

    edit2: uitati aicea ce vroiam si eu sa fac :( dar a fost banat arcashul :(


    Ce invidios esti ca te domin rau la lvl ZUHAHA

  6. nush cum face-ti lvl dar mie ca sa ajung la 20 imi trebuiesc cam 3 sapt :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: .

    btw agbot are virusi (dar numai dak suntetzi siguri si antivirusul cu care a fost vazut bot-u sa fie bit defender, nod32 sau unul bun)

    Pai si daca ai fi sa ajungi la 90 cat timp ti-ar trebui :)

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