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Posts posted by 7Sev

  1. Nu cred ca exista cineva care nu stie de seria Rainbow Six . Ei bine acum ceva vreme (acum vreo 2 saptamani) a aparut ultimul joc din seria Rainbow Six , Rainbow Six Vegas care este un joc foarte interesant . Din pacate jocul cere niste resurse cam .... maricele ca sa zic asa pentru un roman (parerea mea)

    Minimum System Requirements

    System: 3000 MHz Pentium IV or AMD Athlon or equivalent

    RAM: 1024 MB

    Video Memory: 128 MB

    Hard Drive Space: 7000 MB

    Other: Broadband connection with 128 kbps upstream or faster

    Recommended System Requirements

    System: 3500 MHz Pentium IV/AMD or equivalent

    RAM: 2048 MB

    Video Memory: 256 MB

    Hard Drive Space: 10000 MB

    (from Gamespot)

    Oricum pentru cei carora le plac jocurile tactice (cum ar fi Swat 3 sau vechiile jocuri din seria Rainbow Six) , Vegas-ul este o alegere perfecta insa din pacate cum se intampla la majoritatea jocurilor de acest gen (Swat 3 , Swat 4 s.a) , sfarsitul jocului nu este decat cea mai grea misiune dupa care ... gata . No video , nothing .

    (o sa pun si screenshot-uri soon)

  2. mie in general imi plac toate jocurile din seria NFS pentru ca daca ai un volan si te joci la cel mai greu nivel posibil , parca as fi intr-o masina adevarata .

    NFS Underground a fost primul joc care mi-a placut parca mai mult decat precedentele (exceptand Porsche ramane cel mai bun dupa parerea mea chiar si acuma :P) si care era parca mai diferit . La story , sincer nici nu prea am fost atent in NFS Underground iar acuma daca ma intrebati despre ce era vorba , habar n-am , nu mai tin minte nimic insa tin minte un lucru , nu a fost deloc un joc rau . Acuma m-a enervat un singur lucru care din pacate nici la Carbon nu a disparut si anume acele sageti din timpul jocului . Nu puteau sa il faca mai realistic si sa lucreze la niste semne reale de circulatie , la niste sageti (cum se gasesc la serpentine) .... nu , ei s-au gandit ca asa e mai bine iar asta e o prostie dupa parerea mea .

    Cand a aparut Underground 2 , in primul rand mi-a placut faptul ca a aparut Brooke (one of my fav models :P) iar faptul ca s-au mai schimbat masinile , again a fost o chestie super interesanta insa parca nu a fost la fel de misto ca Underground ... cel putin stiu ca nu l-am jucat atat de mult

    Most Wanted-ul mi s-a parut super misto deoarece a aparut Blacklist-ul insa parca era cu totul alt joc si la fel s-a intamplat si cu NFS Carbon . Daca pana acuma jocurile din seria NFS mai semanau ele cat de cat (logic ca mai apareau schimbari la grafica sau mai apareau masini noi s.a) , acuma deja au aparut schimbari majore iar asta nu e chiar un lucru rau insa parca nush , ar fi trebuit sa inceapa o serie noua . Oricum MW si Carbon au fost mult mai diferite fata de toate celalalte jocuri din seria NFS (evident cele mai apropiate sunt Underground si Underground 2 insa dabea daca se aseamana) .

    Ma rog , cam asta ar fi parerea mea . Personal imi place seria NFS destul de mult si pot spune faptul ca joc NFS inca de cand a fost lansat primul joc , din 1997 asa ca totusi mai stiu si eu cate ceva legat de NFS . Oricum e doar o parere :)

    @ steaua , de ce nu iti place Carbon-ul ? ca am vazut vreo 3 postari in care tot spuneai ca e o prostie (ma rog , 2 postari erau cu totul off-topic dar in fine)

  3. RPG (developed by Obsidian) & FPS (by Gearbox) ....

    LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (December 15, 2006) - SEGA® of America Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced the signing of critically-acclaimed developer Gearbox Software to create a first-person shooter title based on the Alien film franchise for the next-generation systems with license from Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising. The agreement complements the recent announcement of an Alien RPG title for the next-generation systems to be developed by Obsidian Entertainment.

    Gearbox Software is a leading developer in the first-person shooter genre, producing titles for the industry's top franchises including Brothers in Arms, Halo and Half Life. They consistently produce best-selling titles and have garnered numerous industry awards. Gearbox Software's FPS Alien title will retain the atmospheric look and feel of the original films while leveraging next-generation technology to create an entirely new interactive Alien experience.

    hmm this is interesting ...


    Role-Playing Game to be Based on Critically-Acclaimed Motion Picture Franchise

    LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (December 13, 2006) SEGA® of America Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced that Obsidian Entertainment will create a role-playing game based on the Alien film franchise with license from Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising. This title will be developed for the next-generation systems and the PC.

    Obsidian Entertainment draws upon their wealth of design knowledge creating successful games such as the best-selling Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: Sith Lords and the award-winning Neverwinter Nights 2 to bring the Alien franchise to role-playing gamers for the first time. The role playing game will build upon the distinctive look and feel of the original films while utilizing next-generation technology to create an entirely different and unique Alien experience.

    “With Obsidian Entertainment?s development pedigree, they were our first choice to bring the Alien franchise to the RPG universe,” said Simon Jeffery, President and COO, SEGA of America, Inc. “They are the only developer for us that could effectively combine the Alien mythology with compelling RPG gameplay to create the ultimate Alien experience.”

    "We are thrilled to be working with the great production and publishing teams at Sega to deliver the ultimate in-depth Alien experience to gamers worldwide," said Feargus Urquhart, CEO of Obsidian Entertainment. "Building an epic RPG with a license as heralded as the Alien franchise is truly a great honor."

    Since its 1979 debut, Alien and its three sequels have grossed more than $557 million worldwide, garnering numerous awards, including two Academy Awards. In 2002, Alien was deemed “culturally significant” by the United States Library of Congress and was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry. For more information, please visit www.sega.com/aliens

    [sursa : Obsdian ]

    Nice , sper doar sa faca ceva k lumea

    Banuiesc totusi ca este RPG (doar vorbim de Obsidian) ... ceea ce nu este chiar tocmai cool dar va fi cu siguranta interesant

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