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Posts posted by Rebelle

  1. Fanyx, o sa te rog sa specifici ce ciocane ;) .Nu vreau sa se inteleaga gresit.

    Si acum pt ca sa nu fiu total offtopic: Fanyx, ce sa mai zic eu despre tine..."ia mai dute-n mailu meu!" :P :D :D

    BlueEnergy, te omooooorrrrrrr! :P

  2. “In this way, one story finally comes to an end.

    After this long period of time has elapsed inside a blink of dream...

    things that remain are just my memories...”

    "All people have the right to stupidity but some abuse the privilege."

    Iertaţi-i!!!!!!! totuşi"

    "Is not important to win, is more important to make the other one lose!"

  3. Nu stiu daca va avea succes topicul asta, dar mie mi se pare o idee interesanta.Fiecare va trebui sa spuna cateva cuvinte despre pesoana care posteaza deasupra lui.Nu ne cunoastem...dar un avatar...o anumita semnatura poate spune totul despre o persoana.

    Evitati jignirile, pe cat posibil. :P

  4. Puteti posta aici citatele care va caracterizeaza starea de spirit sau cei mai profunzi in gandire pot posta propriile "creatii" :P

    "Rise to the dark night skies with hope of touching the morning, no matter how many times you tire and fall into the abis, never forget that you have wings and you can fly off again!"

    nu stiu cine l-a scris(din pacate), dar mi-a placut mult.

    “Dream as if you'll live forever; Live as if you'll die today.”

    "Destinul nu poate fi mituit ci trebuie implinit pas cu pas"-iorga

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