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Posts posted by Chani

  1. Total Olympic Medal Count


    In the history of the Olympic games, Romania has won302 medals, which puts them in the top 10% of medal winning countries. They have particpated in 39 Olympics, so they have averaged 7.7 medals each Olympics.

    Out of all those medals, most (about 40%) are bronze medals. Next up are silver medals at about 31% of the total medals, followed by gold medals at 29%.

    Like most countries, Romania has won most of its medals in the Summer Games. In fact, they have won about 301 times as many medals in the summer compared to the winter.

    Summer Olympic Medals

    Number of Summer Games In 20
    Total Summer Medals 301

    Winter Olympic Medals

    Number of Winter Games In 19
    Total Winter Medals 1
  2. Do not be racist; be like Mario. He's an Italian plumber, who was made by the Japanese, speaks English, looks like a Mexican, jumps like a black man, and grabs coins like a Jew!

  3. Olga Homeghi

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Olga Homeghi
    Medal record
    Competitor for 23px-Flag_of_Romania.svg.png Romania
    Women’s rowing
    Olympic Games
    Bronze medal – third place 1980 Moscow Double sculls
    Gold medal – first place 1984 Los Angeles Coxed fours
    Gold medal – first place 1988 Seoul Coxless pairs
    Silver medal – second place 1988 Seoul Coxed eights
    World Rowing Championships
    Bronze medal – third place Bled 1979 Double sculls

    Olga Homeghi (born 1958) is a Romanian rower. She is a four-time Olympic medalist, earning a bronze medal in 1980, a gold in 1984, and a silver and gold in 1988, all in different events.

  4. In the backwoods of Arkansas, Mr. Stewart's wife went into labor in the middle of the night. The doctor was called in to assist in the delivery.

    To keep the nervous father-to-be busy, the doctor handed him a lantern and said, "Here, you hold this high so I can see what I'm doing." Soon, a baby boy was brought into the world.

    "Don't be in a rush to put the lantern down. I think there's yet another wee one to come." Sure enough, within minutes he had delivered another baby.

    "Now don't be in a great hurry to be putting down that lantern, young man. It seems there's yet another!" cried the doctor.

    The new father scratched his head in bewilderment and asked the doctor. "Do ya think it's the light that's attractin' them?"


    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRH0XtIiLBTEVdUuydU74R Minim 4 participari saptamanale la Balgass (poza cu elfa pe altar sau cu clasamentul, sa fiti in top 5) sau Minim 6 Participari saptamanale la Trivia pe Forum/IQ Test/Rebus pe forum/Simon says, 



    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRH0XtIiLBTEVdUuydU74R Minim 3 participari la eventul pe forum - Sa cunoastem Comunitatea Linkmania,


    Am 5 participari si planuiesc sa fac 7 :) 

    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRH0XtIiLBTEVdUuydU74RMinim 1 participare saptamanala la How it's made, Videomania, Freestyle, Lucky One, Outside of the mu box, Lord of Mu, Soccer, Weekly Challenges. 


    Lord of Mu + Lucky One + Weekly + freestyle

    Si urmeaza Videomania si poate si How It's made. 


    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRH0XtIiLBTEVdUuydU74R Minim 3 participari saptamanale la eventurile in game : exemplu -  BlackJack, KILL GM, Trivia, (orice event facut de admin - nu este obligatoriu sa fiti castigator la event, dar sa aveti o oarecare contributie - minim 2-3 raspunsuri corecte la Trivia, minim 2 Pk pe Admin, etc.) - print fie cand va inscrieti la event, fie cand raspundeti pe /post (la Trivia), fie in timpul eventului, dar sa se vada clar ca sunteti inscrisi si nu ati mers langa ceilalti doar pentru poza


    Lord of Mu


    Lucky One 

    Am inghitit poza... Am castigat editia sper ca se pune :) Am filmat dansul de la final si scrie in film ca am castigat. Dovezi s-ar gasi :) 



    Razie Event


  6. “Has your son decided what 
he wants to be when he grows up?” 
I asked my friend.

    “He wants to be a garbageman,” 
he replied.

    “That’s an unusual ambition to have at such a young age.”

    “Not really. He thinks that garbagemen work only on Tuesdays.”

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