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Posts posted by Alexyno

  1. Christian Lacroix couture

    Christian Lacroix, 20 Years of Haute Couture on the Catwalk.

    In 1987, he opened his own haute couture house. He began putting out ready-to-wear in 1988 drawing inspiration from diverse cultures. Critics commented that he did not seem to understand the type of clothing the working woman needed. In 1989, Lacroix launched jewelry, handbags, shoes, glasses, scarves, and ties (along with ready-to-wear). In this same year, he opened boutiques within Paris, Arles, Aix-en-Provence, Toulouse, London, Geneva, and Japan.

    With his background in historical costume and clothing, Lacroix soon made headlines with his opulent, fantasy creations, including the short puffball skirt ("le pouf"), rose prints, and low décolleté necklines. He referenced widely from other styles—from fashion history (the corset and the crinoline), from folklore, and from many parts of the world—and he mixed his references in a topsy-turvy manner. He favored the hot colors of the Mediterranean region, a hodgepodge of patterns, and experimental fabrics, sometimes handwoven in local workshops.

    From 1987 to its purchase from LVMH by Falic Fashion Group in 2005, the fashion house had cumulative losses of more than €200 million.

    In 2009, the fashion house, owned by duty-free retailer Falic Fashion Group, put the business into administration and laid off all but 12 workers. Lacroix's A/W 2009 Haute Couture was privately financed by Lacroix and each model was paid €50. "I didn't want to cry," said Lacroix "I want to continue, maybe in a different way, with a small atelier. What I really care about is the women who do this work" Lacroix said about his last Haute Couture collection. Throughout its history, it never turned a profit and reported a €10 million loss in 2008.

  2. 3 hours ago, Kitte said:

    Pentru PinK

    Iti lipseste ca se paote schimba Golden Cherry in horn of fragment. - bun lipseste, cati au facut fenrir din golden si red cherry ? 

    Iti lipseste dropul la Golden Box.  - de asta sincer nici nu stiam ... 

    Ai spus ca poate fi deteriorat, dar nu si ca poate sa dispara complet. aici ai dreptate, nu am zis ... 

    Nu ai precizat ca iti poti mari sansa cu Ticket of Luck (dar asta nu este esential). 

    Nu ai spus ce se intampla la fail. banuiesc ca intelege lumea ce inseamna rata de succes ... 

    Overall un ghid bun, dar nu perfect. Cred ca ce iti lipseste este important pentru ca nu se gaseste pe Oh Mighty Google. perfect de acord GOOGLE cel de toate zilele... nu a inventat niciunul fenrirul saptamana asta ... 

    Aici contesti tu banuiesc. 

    Poze de pe serverul nostru lipsesc cu desavarsire. Zero este vorba de un ghid informativ facut foarte explicit cu iconite mari sa-i sara omului in ochi despre ce e vb ... 

    Filme - ok nu toata lumea poate filma (dar de ce? sunt n softuri de a filma si edita) Dar asta face diferenta intre 9 si 10. Nici poze nu puteai face? nu ma pricep la filmare si photo shop cauza pentru care nu am participat la nici un video mania sau moda event ... 

    Linkuri - nimic, nici macar la fostele ghiduri. Pe ce sa iti dea altceva decat zero? ce relevanta au link-urile daca e un tutorial luat de la 0(zero) foarte important de precizat ca nu au fost raportate bug-uri despre asa ceva ??? 

    Formatul postarii si continut - aici sa il intreb pe puLse ca nici nu inteleg :) Poti primi maxim 3 puncte, si citesc 4 categorii si asta cam repeta ce e mai sus. formatul postarii a fost facut in word, nu copiat de pe nu stiu unde ci facut de mine iar la copy paste din word in forum aparea ca dracu, motiv pt care l-am pus in pdf, mie personal imi place cum a iesit dar gusturile nu sunt discutabile. i-am zis lui pulse pe pm ca daca nu e acceptat pdf ma chinui sa ii scot si pozele din pdf, le-am scos in photo shop, nepriceput fiind, d'asta au iesit cum au iesit pozele... check the pdf ... 

    DAR ai primit aici niste puncte, daca ma intrebi pe mine nemeritate, pentru ca esti deja punctat mai sus pentru estetica si continut. 


    Contestatia ta nu are substanta. Ghidul de punctaj este transparent.   daca unu si altu are bani si wcoins sa cumpere si sa faca fenrir-uri e treaba fiecaruia, eu nu am posibilitatea ... ceea ce am incercat sa fac a fost doar sa pot arata cum se poate face un fenrir, ceea ce consider ca mi-a si reusit ... 





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