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It seems you received a phishing email. Please ignore or delete that email. I'm including a preformatted message with information regarding phishing emails below.


We have recently seen an increase in these phishing attempts which pose a real threat for account security. As a friendly reminder, many scams will ask you for your password, which is something Blizzard Entertainment will *NEVER* do.

You may wish to review the following links for more information on phishing emails:

- How to tell if the email you received is legitimate: http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/30828

You may wish to add additional security to the account with the use of an authenticator. Information about this device can be found here: http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/BLIZZARDAUTH

If upon regaining access to the account you find there has been malicious activity (missing gold, items, deleted characters, etc.), please open an in-game ticket in order for a Game Master to investigate the issue. You can alternately email https://us.battle.net/support/en/ticket/submit directly with a description of the issue from the registered email address on the account in question.

If you still have the phishing email, please forward the email to our Hacks team at hacks@blizzard.com. There is valuable information contained in the email header that will assist us in our effort to prevent this from happening to other players.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please reply to this ticket. If you would rather speak with a representative directly, please contact Account & Technical Services. Our contact information can be found at http://blizzard.com/support/article/cs.

' IT'S CRAP! '

Auziti, care este cea mai buna clasa pt tanking in CATA?

editL in afara de mage

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Sper ca nu se considera reclama.

Doamne am incercat pana acum.... si-a facut n''speee mii de update-uri.

Pe site nu e niciun tutorial ceva de instalare conectare... singuru lucru a fost acel Client 3.3.5 a parca pe care l-am dwd de pe torrent..

Am intrat in WoW.exe...a bagat un update de vreo 2 ore... si observ ca a trecut deja la Cataclysm.(Presupun ca nu e bine)

Cineva amabil sa ma poata ajuta umpic.Multumesc frumos!

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Guest NorthernWave


Sper ca nu se considera reclama.

Doamne am incercat pana acum.... si-a facut n''speee mii de update-uri.

Pe site nu e niciun tutorial ceva de instalare conectare... singuru lucru a fost acel Client 3.3.5 a parca pe care l-am dwd de pe torrent..

Am intrat in WoW.exe...a bagat un update de vreo 2 ore... si observ ca a trecut deja la Cataclysm.(Presupun ca nu e bine)

Cineva amabil sa ma poata ajuta umpic.Multumesc frumos!

Scoate clientul cu 335 din nou si porneste cu Launcher.exe , nu cu WoW.exe,ca altfel se updateaza la cataclysm.

Apoi te poti loga.

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Cei ce joaca pe freakz la hoarda , bagati la friends Dinger ( priest disci 5.9 , holy 6.1) . O sa intru mai rar, imi fac un warr prot /blood dk pe blizz...

Totusi, cel mai bun tank este rogu full dodge :))

P.S: pt cei de la alianta bagati pedoshark. E char facut de phun (5k gs :( ), mai intru din cand in cand sa ii umilesc pe aia la dueluri.

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Sper ca nu se considera reclama.

Doamne am incercat pana acum.... si-a facut n''speee mii de update-uri.

Pe site nu e niciun tutorial ceva de instalare conectare... singuru lucru a fost acel Client 3.3.5 a parca pe care l-am dwd de pe torrent..

Am intrat in WoW.exe...a bagat un update de vreo 2 ore... si observ ca a trecut deja la Cataclysm.(Presupun ca nu e bine)

Cineva amabil sa ma poata ajuta umpic.Multumesc frumos!

Scoate clientul cu 335 din nou si porneste cu Launcher.exe , nu cu WoW.exe,ca altfel se updateaza la cataclysm.

Apoi te poti loga.

Am facut exact ce mi-ai zis dar nu am gasit niciun Launcher.exe in folderul jocului.

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Guest NorthernWave

Esti sigur ? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/43/abcoy.png/

Foarte sigur! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/685/foartesigur.png/

Am tras clientu si atat!

N-am clientul de la ei ...

Nu ar trebui sa aiba mai multe fisiere ?

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Guest NorthernWave

Astia de mai sus, sunteti niste idioti. Stiti si de ce .

Stop being a douchebag,please.

Ah si btw,nu,nu joc pe private,nici macar nu mai joc wow .

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