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Heirloom is an item type that is new with Wrath of the Lich King.The items have a golden hue in their text color, and their attributes scale with the character's level.[2] Nearly all heirloom items are named after popular items from the early days of Classic WoW, and share the look of these items.

Once purchased, heirlooms bind to the account, as opposed to an individual character. This means they can be mailed to any character that shares the same account and server, including those of opposing faction (patch 3.3). Heirloom items can be returned for a refund within the normal two-hour grace period, but only if the item was not mailed to a different character yet.

Mi`am facut un dk pe sylvanas,am ajuns la 66(am crescut in bg :D ),poate ajung la 68 tot in bg pana se termina weekendu.

Oricum,asta vreau sa`l duc la 80,si poate transfer warrioru...cand o`i avea bani.

Am o intrebare legata de heilrooms:

Acolo scrie ca pot trimite de la alianta la hoarda.Chiar se poate?Am cautat,si majoritatea spre toti ziceau ca nu se poate,dar acolo scrie ca numai de la patch 3.3,probabil posturile alea erau mai vechi.

Ca vreau sa`mi fac ceva la hoarda dupa ce ajung la 80 cu asta.

Nu pot da edit.

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frate, e HEIRLOOM, nu HEILROOM, ti-am mai spus :P

neh, alea is povesti... nu poti trimite de la factiune la alta :-s

ok beibi,heirloomuri sa fie daca tu zici :P

Nu vreau sa trimit de pe un realm pe altu. Mersi de raspuns :)

Si mie mi`a aparut un update azi,pe la 2 dimineata :-??

Dar la blizz downloader sau cum ii spune,tot "please wait" a ramas vreo 2 ore.

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