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am primit un mail de la blizzard, care zicea ca incerc sa vadn account chestii din astea...(da, am dat parola cuiva sa-mi faca arenele)

acuma nu stiu daca e de la blizzard adevarat si nu de la wannabes hackers


It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell/trade your personal World of Warcraft account(s).

As you may or may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement.

If this proves to be true, your account can and will be disabled. It will be ongoing for further investigation by Blizzard Entertainment's employees.

If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account ownership. If the information is deemed accurate, the investigation will be dropped.

This action is taken because we at Blizzard Entertainment take these sales

quite seriously. We need to confirm you are the original owner of the account.

This is easiest done by confirming your personal information along with concealed information about your account.

You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account by replying to this email with:

Use the following template below to verify your account and information via email.

* First and Surname

* Date of birth

* Address

* Zip code

* Phone number

* Country

* Account e-mail

* Account name

* Account password

* Secret Question and Answer


WoW CD-Key

Show * Please enter the correct information

If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently. Once we verify your account, we will reply to your e-mail informing you that we have dropped the investigation.

We ask you to NOT change password until the investigation is fully completed.

Blizzard Entertainment Inc

Account Administration Teamaa

P.O. Box 18979, Irvine, CA 92623


Account Administration Team

Blizzard Entertainment




emailu suna asa: wowaccountadmin <wowaccountadmin@blizzard.com>

e de la blizz sau nu ?

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Ma confrunt cu o problema cand vreau sa instalez wow.

# Instaleaz World Of Warcraft

# Instaleaz The Burning Crusade

# Instaleaz The Wrath of the Lich King

Cand vreau sa intru in joc isi face update singur, pana la vers 3.2.0 `Server'ul pe care vreau sa joc cere sa instalez patch' ul 3.1.3 si nu pot`. O sugestie, ceva ? Nu inteleg de ce nu pot sa fac update la patch'ul 3.1.3 si de ce isi face update singur la 3.2.0...

ps: sunt incepator si va rog, daca se poate, sa nu faceti " gura mare " , ca uite'l si pasta nu stie. Am nevoie de un sfat ca sa pot sa o scot la capat cu instalarea.

@ mersi`.

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Zilele astea am trecut printr-o experienta nu tocmai placuta. Desi is foarte grijuliu cu ce downloadez, de unde si cum, se pare ca am prins un keylogger. Si asa am ramas cu ochii in soare cand am incercat sa ma loghez si imi zicea ca a fost mergeuit cu un acc de bnet (desi eu nu facusem asta). A durat vreo 2-3 zile pana sa se miste si Blizzardu sa-mi rezolve problema.Now to get my gear and gold back.

Morala: Be vewy vewy careful and merge your WoW acc with a bnet acc. Now.

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O mare porcarie dpdv al securitatii asta cu merge wow & bnet account ... nu`ti ofera securitate in plus avand in vedere ca tot pe baza unui account name si password te loghezi care pot fi luate la fel de usor ca si acc name si parola daca nu`l ai ca bnet acc.

Singura metoda sa fii sigur ca nu`ti umbla nimeni la acc e sa`ti iei authenticator.

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Il alegi dupa ce iti place, pvp, pve, rppvp, rp, eu te sfatuiesc sa nu alegi unul cu high pop http://www.wow-europe.com/realmstatus/index.html bafta.

Last Edit.

Acum cateva luni am gasit un cont mai vechi pe care nu prea jucasem, dar playtime era expirat, inclusiv 10 zile trial BC, am cumparat bc pentru joc dar mai intai am dat 10 days trial si minune imi arata ca am trialul neactivat, desi il folosisem, am jucat 30 zile trial (tbc+tbc) + 10 zile trial LK, acum cateva min dau 10 zile trial LK si iarasi avaible :blink: , oare de ce?

screen: http://img151.imageshack.us/i/50846573.jpg/ oricum in lista nu arata ca am folosit LK trial, (desi era folosit) dar se poate observa 2x TBC trial.

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Ma confrunt cu o problema cand vreau sa instalez wow.

# Instaleaz World Of Warcraft

# Instaleaz The Burning Crusade

# Instaleaz The Wrath of the Lich King

Cand vreau sa intru in joc isi face update singur, pana la vers 3.2.0 `Server'ul pe care vreau sa joc cere sa instalez patch' ul 3.1.3 si nu pot`. O sugestie, ceva ? Nu inteleg de ce nu pot sa fac update la patch'ul 3.1.3 si de ce isi face update singur la 3.2.0...

ps: sunt incepator si va rog, daca se poate, sa nu faceti " gura mare " , ca uite'l si pasta nu stie. Am nevoie de un sfat ca sa pot sa o scot la capat cu instalarea.

@ mersi`.

Poi fii atent ca tu poti opri donwloadarea patchurilor exact al versiunea care vrei altcumva nu poti doar daca le iei tu separat dua net patchurile

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am primit un mail de la blizzard, care zicea ca incerc sa vadn account chestii din astea...(da, am dat parola cuiva sa-mi faca arenele)

acuma nu stiu daca e de la blizzard adevarat si nu de la wannabes hackers


It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell/trade your personal World of Warcraft account(s).

As you may or may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement.

If this proves to be true, your account can and will be disabled. It will be ongoing for further investigation by Blizzard Entertainment's employees.

If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account ownership. If the information is deemed accurate, the investigation will be dropped.

This action is taken because we at Blizzard Entertainment take these sales

quite seriously. We need to confirm you are the original owner of the account.

This is easiest done by confirming your personal information along with concealed information about your account.

You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account by replying to this email with:

Use the following template below to verify your account and information via email.

* First and Surname

* Date of birth

* Address

* Zip code

* Phone number

* Country

* Account e-mail

* Account name

* Account password

* Secret Question and Answer


WoW CD-Key

Show * Please enter the correct information

If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently. Once we verify your account, we will reply to your e-mail informing you that we have dropped the investigation.

We ask you to NOT change password until the investigation is fully completed.

Blizzard Entertainment Inc

Account Administration Teamaa

P.O. Box 18979, Irvine, CA 92623


Account Administration Team

Blizzard Entertainment




emailu suna asa: wowaccountadmin <wowaccountadmin@blizzard.com>

e de la blizz sau nu ?

Acelaşi mail l-am primit şi eu, am vorbit cu Thade şi mi-a spus că "dacă te mănâncă-n fund, poţi trimite datele" :)

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Acelaşi mail l-am primit şi eu, am vorbit cu Thade şi mi-a spus că "dacă te mănâncă-n fund, poţi trimite datele" :)

haha imi plac expresiile lui Thade :)

e asa f direct :D

Back in Arenas industry: miercuri iau hands furios :X

LE: cum se numea site ala in care vedeai 2v2 ladder bla bla si puteai sa cauti dupa ce clase sunt ?

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