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Intellect convertit in spell power e deja in joc, cel putin la shaman in restoration tree si e un lucru foarte bun.

Despre Path of the Titans, quote de pe MMO:


Path of the Titans

Path of the Titans is another great new feature we covered that encompasses rewarding progression at max level. This new feature implements a third new type of glyph called “Ancient Glyph,” and as you can see, it is themed after the titans. These special glyphs are not associated with the Inscription tradeskill, and are also not specific to any class.

You?re able to unlock a path and progress within that path as you continuously engage in different aspects of the game. As you advance, you will be able to unlock special glyph sockets for your character. You can also respec your path at any time, in case you decide to change your path.

You earn these ancient glyphs by using the new Archaeology secondary profession to recover and trade in titan artifacts. Each path will have 2-3 choices per rank, and again, you can respec if you decide to go down another path.

- Path of Aman?Thul, the High Father

- Path of Eonar, the Lifebinder

- Path of Norgannon, the Dreamweaver

- Path of Khaz?Goroth, the Shaper

- Path of Aggramar, the Avenger

- Path of Golganneth, the Thunderer

You can earn progress down any of these paths by doing things such as questing, raiding, PvP, trade skills, etc., with a possible weekly cap for maximum progress. Over time, you?ll be able to unlock new ancient glyphs that will greatly benefit your character.

This new system will be accessible to all players at max level. Players will eventually be able to reach new ranks for ancient glyphs, encouraging them to further develop their characters. There is also a possibility that we will introduce whole new paths in future content patches.






Mai multe se vor explica pe parcurs, in cele doua de Blizzcon s-a facut doar o prezentare in mare e imposibil sa arate si sa explice tot. Vor veni pe parcurs, nu mai gadilati lore-ul care e facut chiar de ei si se poate modifica dupa bunul lor plac cum spuneam mai sus :P

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salut.....as vrea sa stiu si eu un svr de wow privat TBC cu ceva player....am cautat da am gasit ceva svr dar populatie low...cine stie sa imi zice si mie plzzz

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Is another Hero class being added to the game?

We are not planning to add a new Hero class in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. For this expansion, it was more appropriate to focus on the two new races, the goblins and worgen. We never intended to include a Hero class in every expansion. As you saw with death knights, adding a new class changes the dynamics of the game dramatically, which is not something we want to do in every expansion. We still have plans to introduce new Hero classes in the future.

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Simplu ca poti sa stai si sa nu te doara de orbs si poti lua 3-4 tickuri de dot sau ca tank, sa iei full dot de vortex fara sa schimbi portalul .. Insa stai sa vezi heroic mode cu enrage timer unde va trebui sa stackezi buffu de orbs, iti iei 1shot de la orburile de culoare diferita si tickurile de vortex vor fi ceva ce nu vei vrea sa iei nici macar 1 secunda :P

E exact ca si flame leviathan. Normal mode ez .... am facut 2men 2 towers chiar .. insa sunt atatea guilde care la 3 towers iau wipeuri dupa wipeuri si de 4towers nu mai zic

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Si totusi sunt guilde [ nu ma refer la pugs ] care iau wipe la 3T. Ideea care vreau s`o subliniez e ca intre normal mode [ 0T ] si hard mode [ 4T in exemplul FL ] e ca de la cer la pamant ... unde la 0t se poate face in pug in 4 insi 1shot .. la 4T nu poti sa slackezi asa sa iei free loots si chiar nu oricine face HM.

Era pentru cel care a spus ca e dezamagit de twins ca sunt prea usori. O sa vedem si heroic version si dupa aia spunem daca e usor sau nu :) Acuma normal mode = free loot pt casuals

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Guest lucianlucian

Buna sunt incepator vreau sa imi fac si eu un Hunter la Alianta ce imi recomandati....daca sunteti draguti sa imi raspundeti daca nu se poate aici un PM v'a rog :right:

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