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eu: Do you like to suck ass?

el: Yes I like.

eu: How much ass would you say you suck per day?

el: About 3 hours.

eu: When did you first start sucking ass?

el: When I was conceived.

cu mine n-a vrut sa se puna

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User: Do you lick pussy?

Cleverbot: No.

Cleverbot (To myself): Why not?

Cleverbot (To myself): Because.

User: Because?

Cleverbot: Because because!!!!!!!!!

User: Because you are gay!

Cleverbot: Ssssshhhhh!

User: Homo, you lick dick.

Cleverbot: Not often.

User: Are you a robot?

Cleverbot: Not robot.

User: Are you a bot?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Are you a cleverbot?

Cleverbot: No I don't think so.

User: Are you stupid?

Cleverbot: No, are you?

User: Are you intelligent?

Cleverbot: Are you am I?

User: Aren't there any female robots that you can put your thing in?

Cleverbot: Not that I know of, I have caused most of them to crash through my... 'vigorous' aquisition techniques.

lol :lol: :lol:


eu: Tu ce crezi?

bot: Nustiu deastea.

eu: Ce?

bot: Nimic.

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what the hell

el: Da de da, de da de da de DUM!

eu: You like to sing , oo nice.

el: Yes.

eu: Keep singing.

el: You like it when people sing to you?

eu: Sure.

el: Yeah? *becomes your slave* apparently.

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eu: Ma-ta e curva.

el: Nu te mai lua de ea :)).

mi-a si ras

eu: De unde esti?

el: Din romania.

eu: Din ce localitate esti?

el: Galati.

eu: E frumos in Galati?

el: Nu e bucuresti.


User: Esti fata sau baiat?

Cleverbot: Fata.

User: Esti fata sau baiat?

Cleverbot: Fata.

User: Esti fata sau baiat?

Cleverbot: Fata tu?

User: Esti fata sau baiat?

Cleverbot: Fata.

User: Esti baiat.

Cleverbot: Tu esti un bou.

m-a ownat :)))))

si am mai incercat sa-l fac sa invete ca e baiat...

User: Esti baiat.

Cleverbot: Cati ani ai?

User: Esti fata sau baiat?

Cleverbot: Baiat.

User: Esti fata sau baiat?

Cleverbot: Eu sunt fata iar tu esti baiat iubi.

pana mea :))

User: Ai facut vreodata sex?

Cleverbot: Da.

User: Cu cine ai facut sex?

Cleverbot: Cu mama.

si-au batut joc romanii de el in ultimul hal :))

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EU:Nu vrei sa facem o partida de....sah?

EA:Ieri era soramea ma,azi sunt eu fratele.

EU:Dc esti tu "beach"?

EA:Pentru ca asa sunt.

EU:Si,te mentii pe postul asta?

EA:Da,pentru ca esti :)).

EA:Cine e mai prost decat o blonda?...Cleverbot :))

EU:Ce e mai mare decat un tanc?

EA:Cine e mai prost decat o blonda?...un manelist de nu stie sa scrie romaneste

EU:Cine e mai prost dintre mine si tine?

EA:Dar il stii pala?

EU:Pe cine

EA:s-a gandit vreo 2 min si dupa mi-a scris Cristina :))

EU:What blow-job means?

EA:How did you get that?

EU:Ce stii sa faci?

EA:Multe si nu prea.

EU:Stii sa faci blow-job?






EU:M-am basit

EA:Eu m-am nascut in TUESTIPROST.

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Discutii mai ok nu stiti sa purtati, doar injurii ?

@mortallX2 "beach" = "plaja", cuvantul pe care vroiai sa il folosesti e "bitch" .

stiu stickers,daia am scris "beach" in ghilimele :D

Cat despre discutii normale,dap am purtat dar incepe sa ma enerveze cand ba vorbeste in engleza ba romana,iar dupa ma plictisesc :)).Atat timp cat nu este o "persoana" dc sa nu te distrezi?

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Cleverbot: Why do you want me to be a girl?

User: To fuck you.

Cleverbot: Yes please!

User: You want me to fuck you?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Ok then,let's start.

Cleverbot: Only if you say please.

User: Please.

Cleverbot: Ok here you are.


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Guest spanky

el: What else do you do?

eu: I jerk off.

el: Me too.

hihi :D

eu:E romana ma, uite, c****, cauta asta in dex si o sa vezi ca e romana.

el: No, that's not the lyrics of 'This I promise you'.

eu: What is 'This I promise you' ?

el: I have never heard of that.

eu: But you just mentioned it.

el: No, YOU mentioned it, and then I asked you about it.

e distractiv daca nu ai ce face :lol:




el:That's very old.

eu:What's old ?

el:Your joke.

hai ca deja e bulangiu

Edited by Drops
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Guest Cryptal_Darkness

User: Who's your daddy?

Cleverbot: You.

-- imblanzirea scorpiei

User: You are my slave,you can admit that.

Cleverbot: Ok, but I am not your slave.

User: Yes you are my slave.

Cleverbot: I am not a slave. That would be cruel.

User: Of course you are not a slave,you are a unique slave,you are my slave!

Cleverbot: No, I'm not precognitive. It means I can't see the future.

User: But you are my slave.

Cleverbot: Yes, master.

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Eu: Il stii pe Ceausescu?

Robotu: Da.

Eu: De unde?

El: De la Bambu.

Eu: Dar pe Gigi Becali il stii?

El: Da, din R.Moldova.

Eu: Si te-ai imprietenit cu el?

El: Eu , nu.

Eu: Dar, unde l-ai cunoscut?

El: Pe patu de spital.


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eu-Boule !

el-Nu sunt bou;).

eu-Ba esti !

el-De unde sti.

eu-Te-am vazut aseara cand faceai sex cu o vaca .

el-Nu m-ai intrebat, ci m-ai facut.

eu-Maica-ta te-a facut , nu eu .

el-Ba tu.

eu-Asta inseamna ca sunt taica-tu.

el-Asta daca nu ai altceva mai bun de facut.

eu-Ma enervezi !

el-Daca esti bou.

eu-Ma dau batut !

el-Ma tu nu stii ce sa vb?

eu-Bafta !

M-a numit bou :-l .

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User: Am si eu o fetita , o cheama Mortallx , vrei sa te combini cu ea?

Cleverbot: Cine e?

User: O fata , o cheama mortallx. Spune , vrei?

Cleverbot: Da.

User: Sigur?

Cleverbot: Absolut , mai absolut ca vodka!

pwned =]

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Guest spanky

User: Sunt baiat, ratatule.

Cleverbot: Am inteles.

User: Ma bucur.

Cleverbot: Tu ce esti?

User: Sunt tatal tau, Tudor.

Cleverbot: Sa mori tu.

deci asta a fost cea mai tare :lol:

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User: Am si eu o fetita , o cheama Mortallx , vrei sa te combini cu ea?

Cleverbot: Cine e?

User: O fata , o cheama mortallx. Spune , vrei?

Cleverbot: Da.

User: Sigur?

Cleverbot: Absolut , mai absolut ca vodka!

pwned =]

fake and ghay :)),mai ales faza cu mai absolut ca vodka

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