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ca sa vezi ba silen, o religie fara zei

religie fara divinitati, si mancare facuta sa nu se manance

check this out: http://dexonline.ro/definitie/religie

@apropo.. natura e o "forta", adica amicii tai il inlocuiesc pe nenea dumnezeu cu tanti natura. Ce e asa de greu de inteles? Pe langa faptul ca ambele culturi au deraiati mintal, pe nea dumnezeu il doare in pleasca de noi, si la fel si pe tanti natura o doare in pleasca de noi. Destul de similare nu? In principiu toate religiile prezinta acelasi concept, toata treaba e ca unele vin cu un story-line mai bun, deci au mai multi .. "playeri".

Si mai e o chestie: tu ca european vezi religiile astea "exotice" prin alta prisma fata de un asiatic. Citeste informatii despre budism de pe wikipedia, si apoi citeste Maitreyi, si o sa ti se cam para de la Eliade ca si la budisti intervine conceptul de zeitate pe undeva :P

Acuma eu ma duc sa ma culc.. nb :tiphat:

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LaVeyan Satanism

Main article: LaVeyan Satanism

LaVeyan Satanism is a religion founded in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey. Its teachings are based on individualism, self-indulgence, and "eye for an eye" morality. Unlike Theistic Satanists, LaVeyan Satanists are Atheists, Agnostics and Apatheists who regard Satan as a symbol of man's inherent nature.[10] According to religioustolerance.org, LaVeyan Satanism is a "small religious group that is unrelated to any other faith, and whose members feel free to satisfy their urges responsibly, exhibit kindness to their friends, and attack their enemies".[11] Its beliefs were first detailed in The Satanic Bible and it is overseen by the Church of Satan.

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