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Guest dodorobby

Michael killed by a nurse

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Guest dodorobby

And a former sister of Michael, Cherilyn Lee, said the dwelling asked Diprivan, the generic name of Profolului. “I told him that the drug is not safe. He replied: I do not want only to sleep, do not understand,” said nurse. She warned the pop star if you take this medicine is not likely to raise more. but he asked me and I could not give an amount for 5000 dollars and Michael_jackson1

offered but iam not guilty of the death of me saying I said if this medicine cosuma jump could not wake upPagina mea web

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Am vazut aseara un documentar pe PRO TV.

Reporterul i-a adresat cateva intrebarii si nu a recunoscut ca si-a facut operatii estetice decat la nas.Reporterul a spus ca atunci cand a scos albumul thriller la 20 de ani arata foarte diferit(fizionomia fetei,etc) iar el a dat vina pe schimbarile adolescentei.

R-"Cine este Peter Pan si ce inseamna pentru tine?"

MJ-"Eu sunt Peter Pan."

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And a former sister of Michael, Cherilyn Lee, said the dwelling asked Diprivan, the generic name of Profolului. “I told him that the drug is not safe. He replied: I do not want only to sleep, do not understand,” said nurse. She warned the pop star if you take this medicine is not likely to raise more. but he asked me and I could not give an amount for 5000 dollars and Michael_jackson1

offered but iam not guilty of the death of me saying I said if this medicine cosuma jump could not wake upPagina mea web

me not like u story iz wrong and stupped gtfo learn engrish

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isi face si el reclama la kkt ala de pagina web

nu cumva de la mine ai semnatura luciane ? =))

eu am luat-o de pe youtube.

ca tot veni vorba despre youtube...ati vazut cati subscriberi a facut canalul lui MJ? cateva zeci de mii intr-o saptamana.

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eu am luat-o de pe youtube.

ca tot veni vorba despre youtube...ati vazut cati subscriberi a facut canalul lui MJ? cateva zeci de mii intr-o saptamana.

ai vazut documentarul ala din 9 parti about living with michael jackson ?

prea tare e

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