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Nu am mai intrat in L2 de mai bine de un an jumatate si din intamplare am citit in topicul acesta ca se deschide un nou server in reteaua dex. Incerc sa imi mai adun din vechile cunostinte care au jucat L2 pentru a forma un grup cu care sa joc constant, momentan suntem doar 4. Din pacate sau poate din fericire nu mai am timp sa joc hardcore, astfel incat cel mai probabil voi fi on 3-4 ore seara. Sunt curios cum o sa fie economia pe arion la inceput, avand in vedere ca o sa joc cu spoiler, iar prietena mea cu crafter. Din cate imi amintesc nu e rentabil sa fii spoiler intr-un clan ^_^

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Din cate imi amintesc nu e rentabil sa fii spoiler intr-un clan ^_^

Depinde cati folosesc acel cont :D

Au facut bani frumosi 2 prieteni de-ai mei pe dex ...Un el si o ea mai precis...seara de pe la 11 statea el pana dimineata...si ziua statea ea :)) ...in 2 saptamani toti aveau arme de S ,set full de imperial crusader si lvl 70 + .

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Clan name: Imperial Knights/ Emperial Knights/ Semperial Knights

Clan Leader: Ehlenoi/ Warndihr/ EnuS

Member Count: Currently 450+(Spread over 3 clans which makes up our ally also)

Forum: Members only.

Recruiting: No, but Warndihr ingame can give info on how you will be able to one day go through our selection process to join our clan

Clan nationality: International(Representing 5 continents)

Clan type: Mix/ Melee/ Mage

Addition info: Coming from retail bartz to join here, playing since November 2007 there, we hope to make am impact now on the private server, we strive to be the best.

Clan motto: Second is the first last.


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Clan name: Imperial Knights/ Emperial Knights/ Semperial Knights

Clan Leader: Ehlenoi/ Warndihr/ EnuS

Member Count: Currently 450+(Spread over 3 clans which makes up our ally also)

Forum: Members only.

Recruiting: No, but Warndihr ingame can give info on how you will be able to one day go through our selection process to join our clan

Clan nationality: International(Representing 5 continents)

Clan type: Mix/ Melee/ Mage

Addition info: Coming from retail bartz to join here, playing since November 2007 there, we hope to make am impact now on the private server, we strive to be the best.

Clan motto: Second is the first last.


Nu rade femeie, aia toti omoara serverul ;))

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salut . cum ma pot sa ma fac si eu cutitar ?!

adica ma fac human rogue ?! sau . . . ca asta nu am inteles . am auzit ce e bun caracterul acesta dar nustiu cum se face :Dimi explica sa si mie cum ma pot face ?! de la ce rasa pornesc si cum urmez profesiile sa devin cutitar ?

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salut . cum ma pot sa ma fac si eu cutitar ?!

adica ma fac human rogue ?! sau . . . ca asta nu am inteles . am auzit ce e bun caracterul acesta dar nustiu cum se face :Dimi explica sa si mie cum ma pot face ?! de la ce rasa pornesc si cum urmez profesiile sa devin cutitar ?

ma ajuta si pe mine cineva in leg cu ce am zis mai sus ?!

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@dudix.. http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/quest

daggerii sunt:

-human fighter -> rogue -> treasure hunter

-elven fighter -> scout -> plains walker

-dark elven fighter -> assassin -> abyss walker


Cea mai de cacao faza cu "viitoarea" organizare: cica un "clan" de 450 (adica defapt o alianta intreaga), doua clanuri de 120, un clan de 100, vreun clan de 80, restu de 20-50.

O sa vedeti: dai pk la unu` si vin 10 dupa tine. In fine, `om trai si `om vedea :D

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Daca o sa fie 1 sided arion o sa fie un esec total, nu din cauza serverului, ci din cauza comunitatii.

Have fun, ne auzim peste 6 luni sa vedem cati or sa mai joace pa arion.

O sa joace cel putin 75% din cati incep sau chiar si mai multi, stii de ce nu? Stabilitate asta o sa ofere dex, si multi vor stabilitate, nu mai vor server hooping .

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zerg cu arme de la newbie NPC :))

Buna asta :coffee:

O sa joace cel putin 75% din cati incep sau chiar si mai multi, stii de ce nu? Stabilitate asta o sa ofere dex, si multi vor stabilitate, nu mai vor server hooping .

No they won't.

Daca o sa fie la fel de laggy ca dex`ul la orele de varf multi or sa se lase .

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Server specs

Dell PowerEdge 2950

* Specifications:

* 2 x Quad-Core Xeon (X5450) 3.0GHz

* 32Gb 667MHz FBD (8x4Gb dual rank DIMMs)

* 5 x 450Gb SAS 15k 3.5 Hot Plug Hard Drives

* Chassis 3.5HDD x6 Backplane

* PERC6/iR

* DRAC5 Card

* Riser with PCI Express Support

* TCP/IP Offload Engine 2P

* 16X DVD+/-RW Drive with SATA Cab

Si sigur nu-l va pune pe Dial-UP. Din cate am inteles/plangerile de pe forum, dexul merge destul de nasol la siege-uri, de cand cu "mutarea" in datacenter-ul UPC. Si da ramane de vazut cine va mai fi pe arion peste 6 luni :)

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Ever since the first day we started Vendetta, many people envied and opposed our success. We had over 2000 players in sieges at once, however we had stability issues since day one, most of it caused by lack of hardware. We moved on to a new powerful machine, but right afterwards I had to go to a military camp for a week. While I was away, certain people found a security breach and decided to use it. There wasn't anyone around to take care of it, so it was complete chaos.

To make it short, our economy has been disrupted ever since and we lost many players, so we decided to start over, the right way this time: With good hardware, good stability and most importantly, good security. The server is down as of now, and we're currently fixing bugs / improving security. We've also fixed the stability issues, so the server should crash much less often now. It involved massive work in AI (Artificial Intelligence).

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience, but we believe this is the best decision, as we've only been up for 3 weeks. Donators will get all their donations back. If you donated, contact PyroMaker in MSN/Email or ingame with the transaction ID.

The server will be back up Tuesday, 16-02-2010, 20:00 GMT +1. Precisely one month and one day after we opened.

On a personal note: People who did this are coward and selfish, and it doesn't matter how hard they envy us, we'll still be strong. A Legend never dies.



L2 Vendetta - wiped. Se mai baga cineva ? ( Interlude, 35x etc. )

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Server specs

Dell PowerEdge 2950

* Specifications:

* 2 x Quad-Core Xeon (X5450) 3.0GHz

* 32Gb 667MHz FBD (8x4Gb dual rank DIMMs)

* 5 x 450Gb SAS 15k 3.5 Hot Plug Hard Drives

* Chassis 3.5HDD x6 Backplane

* PERC6/iR

* DRAC5 Card

* Riser with PCI Express Support

* TCP/IP Offload Engine 2P

* 16X DVD+/-RW Drive with SATA Cab

Si sigur nu-l va pune pe Dial-UP. Din cate am inteles/plangerile de pe forum, dexul merge destul de nasol la siege-uri, de cand cu "mutarea" in datacenter-ul UPC. Si da ramane de vazut cine va mai fi pe arion peste 6 luni :)

Ce nasol ba baiatule. Aden siege decurge astfel.

4-5 nukeri NU AU LAG DELOC, pun 1-2 bule (cyclone/vulcano/raging waves/gehenna) si GF. De ce? Pentru ca restu de 250 nu se misca deloc :)))

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