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Lineage II

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Pana la aparitia L3, schimbarile si implementarile majore din C5:


Greater Support for Soloing

According to (Korean) player demand, various game elements will be added to allow for easier soloing with less downtime.

Additions to Clan System

Recognizing that clan-based politics is one of Lineage2's greatest attractions, much more will be added to clan functionality. Some of these include:

~Clan Skills

~Clan Items

~Clan Ranks: Count, Baron, Knight etc.

This clan rank system will be a part of a greater hierarchy of Lord/Lady ,King/Queen, Emperor/Empress and this will form the basis of territorial wars and national wars which will be added in the future.

New Territory

~ The space between Dwarf town and Orc town will be filled, finishing the Elmore lands.

~ A new dungeon for the highest level players will be added

~ Conquer-type Raids added. These raids will require you to fight subservient mobs in order to see the raid boss. (note: isn't this 4 sepulchers?)

~ New mobs with increased AI

Greater Balance between classes

Elimination of PvP superclass. The classes will be counterbalanced in a RockPaperScissor way. Certain classes will be stronger against some classes over others. (note: necros)

Raid Boss Frintessa

The main Raid Boss of C5. Frintessa is the illfated prince of the empire. His main weapon is a giant organ (musical kind ^.~) which summons mobs. Players will have to determine the proper tactics based on the music he plays. (note: lol)

Frintessa can be expected to be more difficult than any of the current Raid Bosses.

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Guest nelutu007ji

sal ... ziceti si mie daca sa facut serverul de l2 pe link ... nu am apucat sal citesc pe tot forumul >>> tiphat.gif si daca sa facut datzimi si un link de unde sal iau eusa_pray.gif am auzit ca e misto .... vreau sal incerc ! happy1.gif ms pa cool2.gifcool2.gifcool2.gif

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InxeS,Apr 22 2006, 12:16 AM] and that`s why i love necro  icon_thumright.gif

And that's why I hate Necro. Nu-ti trebe pic de skill cu el, bagi TP, dai gloom si nuke nuke nuke, e prea simplu sa castigi un PvP cu el. Incearca un caracter cu care sa nu bati orice, atunci va fi mai distractiv jocul si se va vedea daca chiar esti bun in PvP eusa_doh.gif

Sorry de double post, nu mai aveam buton de edit...

Paste fericit tuturor.

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Thora!, C5 suna misto. Stii cumva daca se va lansa pentru L3 daca va fi tot pentru L2?

Dat fiind ca lansare preconizata a C5 este in septembrie 2006, iar primele vesti oficiale despre L3 vor fi in ianuarie-februarie 2007 in mod cert vom avea un L2-C5. De altfel, din cate stiu (s-ar putea sa ma insel) mai intai ar trebui sa se ajunga la L2-C7 si dupa aceea L3.

and that`s why i love necro

Cam din aceleasi motive ca si Banavai, si mie imi displace. Acum nu trebuie sa ai doctoratul in Lineage ca sa stii sau sa iti dai seama ca magii in general si summonerii in special sunt overpowered.

Raman la parerea ca un cutitar bine construit poate totusi sa faca un necro sa planga. Trecand peste problemele de lag, logica si practica spun ca daca un mag rateaza de 2-3 ori pe un cutitar, magul este mort... continuarea o citez chiar de la tine... "/socialdance /socialvictory".

Sper totusi ca necro si magii in general sa fie putin mai ponderati in ceea ce priveste "nuke"&power-skills pe viitor.

Iar in ceea ce priveste necro, el contrazice totusi logica firului povestii. Humanii sunt non-elementari nativ -singurii de altfel- (de unde si echilibrul si faptul ca nu se remarca prin nimic), fiind caracterizati ca "slabi, nepriceputi, vicleni, prosti si misei", singura lor abilitate fiind aceea de a invata repede. Necro nu prea se incadreaza in firul povestii.

Sper ca macar de data asta, sa nu iei remarcile mele ca o dovada in plus de noob-ism, ci ca pe o incercare de lansare a unei teme de discutie.

Paste fericit tuturor!

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And that's why I hate Necro. Nu-ti trebe pic de skill cu el, bagi TP, dai gloom si nuke nuke nuke, e prea simplu sa castigi un PvP cu el. Incearca un caracter cu care sa nu bati orice, atunci va fi mai distractiv jocul si se va vedea daca chiar esti bun in PvP eusa_doh.gif

Sorry de double post, nu mai aveam buton de edit...

Paste fericit tuturor.

aham .. am jucat cu multe charuri wink.gif dintre toate cu asta mi`a placut cel mai mult .. singuru` char cu care nu puteam sa bat nika la pvp a fost blade danceru ..

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SS - soultshot

SR - Silver Ranger ( Elf Archer )

SPS - Spellsinger ( Elf Mage )

Sorc - Sorcerer/Sorceress ( Human Mage )

Necro - Necromancer ( Human Mage/Summoner )

PvP - Player vs Player tongue.gif

PvE - Player vs Enviorment ( adica vs mobi )

Acum ar trebui sa intelegi ce discutam ...

A ... solar spark/death spike/ duble shot/ etc sunt skilluri de la diferite clase biggrin.gif

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