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Credeti in asa ceva ?

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Daca fantomele existau, vedeam una, sau macar cineva dintre cunoscutii mei tot trebuia sa vada. Nu stiu cum se face ca le vad doar cate unii asa..

Voi credeti ce vreti, dar pana nu vad, eu nu o sa cred asa ceva cat oi trai.

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Lol o fantoma nu poate deschide o portiera dar un spirit da...spiretele pot lua forme de om cred eu am vazut pe diskovery o gramda de filme din astea si am observat cum fac anumite zgomote trantesc osii si exact ca in filmuletul ala dintr-o data sa transformat fata cum era a fetei aleia oricum filmuletul acesta este un fake

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http://www.metacafe.com/watch/231484/socce...yer_freaks_out/ << LOOK.

Unii spun ca este posedat ,altii ca a avut o criza de epilepsie...

@LE LOL http://www.dumpalink.com/videos/Most-Patie...World-8201.html

This German boy is trying to get his game started up, but its taking a little longer than expect. He totally freaks out! Hilarious clip.

E posedat ?=))

Traducere luata de pe un site(english).

I want to play (yelling, when He walks in)

Turn on


I want to play Unreal Tournament

Start the damn game

Start the game, you son of a bitch

It pisses me off

I?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?ž?‚?¢m not going to say that again

Get out of my way (when he throws the stuff from the desk)

What iiiiiiiiis thaaaaaat (He puts his Hands on his head)

Oh my God, what happened (Yells)

I want to finally play that game (arghghghg)

Launch quick

Heeere it goes, here it goes, here it goes, here it goes, here it goooooooeeees ( he gets really exited)

Yes, playing.

Plaaaaaayinnng, you wanker, plaaaaayiiiinng


it loads, it loads (He knocks his head on the keyboard)

I doooooon?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?ž?‚?¢t want that it loads?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒâ€š?‚?&brkbar;?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒâ€š?‚?&brkbar;?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬

When iiiiit loads, then you always have to wait for soooooo looong (yelling)

I don?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?ž?‚?¢t want to wait, I want to play this damn game NOW. (He yells like hell)

Think Positive, simply think positive, it will start soon.

It starts. (laughing)

Yeeeeeeees, it starts, it starts

Yes, you son of a bith.

Eat this, yeeees

I killed him

go go go go go

Eat your melted shit

You son of a Bitch, I?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?ž?‚?¢m gonna kill you. Arrrgghhhh (Totally freaks out)

Yeeeeees, Yeeeees, I press on fire, you son of a bitch

The Escape Button is missing,

The escape button?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒâ€š?‚?&brkbar;?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒâ€š?‚?&brkbar;.

Wheeeeeere is it?

Where is the escape button?

Where is the escape button?

Where is the escape button? (Then He finds a Button and puts it on the keyboard)

so, I don?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?ž?‚?¢t need help or support,

I don?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?ž?‚?¢t need support (hahaha)

The H Button as the Enter Button

The Button doesn?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?ž?‚?¢t work.

No Problem, I will tie you into knots

Leave me alone, you son of a bitch.

I killed him (laughing)

Yes, I will kill all of you.

Eat this, you son of a bitch

I will tie you into knots

I will tie you into knots

I will just shoot you

I will shoot you with a Assault Weapon

Oh, which Son of a Bitch shoots on me?

This son of a Bitch shoots on me?ƒ?’?‚?¢?ƒ?¢?¢â‚?š?‚¬?ƒâ€š?‚?&brkbar;..then He freaks out

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