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De curand am afltat de Agloco

Agloco este o companie care plateste bine pentru a naviga pe internet. Pare prea simplu sa fie adevar. Eh, take a look:

- Trebuie sa downlodezi Viewbar-ul Agloco

- Dupa ce downlodezi , pornesti , dai detalii etc. Apoi, cauti pe Google , ebay sau orice , din Viewbar. Si agloco te plateste!

- Dupa ce castigi o suma de bani ( deja au castigat unii prieteni) dai cc (paypal..orice) Nu stiu inca daca iti pot trimite si prin posta ...nu cred.

Cum aflu cat castig?

LA site-ul oficial , este o astfel de obtiune . Easy!

Agloco au facut un anunt trasnet , cei care fac foarte multi refferali iau o parte din actiunile companiei. Verificati top-ul oamenilor cu refferali tot de pe site-ul agloco.

Agloco a mai existat si in trecut , si a fost o afacere profitabila pentru toata lumea. S-a inchis din motive pe care eu personal nu le stiu.

Intrati , downlodati , si navigati pe internet , nimic nu e mai simplu!

Don't worry! It's no sugar!!!

Viewbarul e pornit chiar si atuunci cand nu deschizi un Browser.

Good luck and make money!

The Wizard:

1. Am postat unde trebuie(cred)

Nu am dat un simplu copy/paste . Am scris despre asta myself si am incercat sa va spun ce ofera si etc

2. Linkul ma favorizeaza pe mine , pentru ca eu v-am spus despre el. Puteti foarte bine sa stergeti daca vreti. Dar compania asta e facuta din refferali....nimeni nu ar fi auzit de agloco revenind pana cand cineva a dat o cautare pe google si dupa aia a facut multi refferali. Nu vad de ce as putea sa imi iau suspend/warn

Also: Poate unii au luat warn pentru ca au facut double-post , au facut multe topicuri etc. Acesta e singurul topic despre agloco..am dat search..si nu este nici o fraiereala....deci...


1. Fa cont

2. Downlodeaza Viewbar

3. Porneste

4. Cauta ceva din Viewbarul care are optiunea: google , ebay,yahoo etc

5. Mai multe ore de navigare , mai multi $

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Trebuie doar sa iei un Viewbar....mie mi se pare chiar folositor...lol....nu pot sa iti dovedesc...poti sa intrebi niste oameni tho...sau pot sa iti fac un screenshot cu pay-pal-ul meu

ok. sa vdm screen-shot :P

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Guest Gh0sT`

Si tu cum primesti bani astia ma tii pune in cont la banca sau cum ca eu nu inteleg :-??

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Pai chestia e ca Agloco a mai existat odata , si nimeni nu a luat teapa. Eh , banii ii trimit intr-o luna sau ceva de genul . AM dat email referitor la acest lucru...nu cred ca e o scamatorie...whatever...viewbarul chiar mi se pare folositor..lol

LOL blk

Dear ******,

Thanks for getting in touch with your question. Apologize for the delay in responding to your email. We are working diligently in responding to all incoming emails.

AGLOCO will be making cash payments via check, Paypal and possibly direct deposit.

Cash Distributions: To be a sustainable entity in the long term, AGLOCO makes Member cash distributions from its positive cash flow (revenue minus costs). Therefore, please do not expect a check after the first couple of months as it will take time to collect revenue from advertisers and this revenue must exceed costs in order to make cash distributions to Members. We will be keeping Members informed of our financials and you can visit the Official company blog at http://blog.agloco.com for the latest updates.

Maximizing revenue is extremely important to AGLOCO, since cash distributions will come from AGLOCO’s positive earnings (revenue exceeding expenses). There is some information available on the AGLOCO website and in previous posts to this blog, but I will talk more about this important stage of AGLOCO’s future in my next post. I won’t be giving exact payment dates nor a fixed hourly rate prediction (as AGLOCO cannot predict future revenues per Member), but I will talk more about how the distributions will work.

Please visit our company blog page http://blog.agloco.com/ for additional answers to questions.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact our Member Services team at support@agloco.com.

Our Anti-spam Policy: http://www.agloco.com/web/guest/antispam

Our Privacy Policy: http://www.agloco.com/web/guest/privacy


AGLOCO Member Services Team

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da, astia te aburesc ca vor te vor plati peste cateva luni cand vor incasa si ei banii, dar e vrajeala ca doar nu au inceput ieri! asta pana peste cateva luni cand iti vor zice ca nu au indeplinit nu stiu ce plan si nu pot plati membrii! :naughty:

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off: daca esti din Buc da-mi un PM, sa dau berea aia :D

on: Nu stiu daca este adevarat, dar unul dintre prietenii mei cica ar fi facut bani din asa ceva. Exista si un forum de discutii, cu tot felul de site-uri care te platesc sa dai click-uri sau sa navighezi pe ele. Nu ma bag in asa ceva :P

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Posibil sa castigi poate un $ perntu 100 ore de navigare :comp1: si ca sa faci si tu cava bani trebuie sa stai cu calcu pornit 1 luna :P

Da sincer nu cred ca ii nush ce " not another gold rush "

Cred ca mai mult castig cu part-time job'u meu in o zi decat cu scamtoria asta in o luna :cool2:

Daca ar fi asha de avantajos dc nu se profilaza toata lumea pe asha ceva ? tocmai pentru ca nu este :naughty:

si cu siguranta nu o sa ne cumparam Lambourghini din asha ceva, poate merinde petru scoala/serviciu

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5 ore montly = 5$

Nu pot sa va arat nimic momentan . Dar voi intreba la INFO la email-ul lor cat mai multe detalii si le voi posta. MOmentan eu nu am primit nimic..pentru ca nu am inceput cu viewbarul decat ieri...

plus ca ...daca 100ore de lasat deschis un program ce nu ma deranjeaza si castig 1$..mie imi convine...dar castig mai mult

de ce nu se iscriu multi oameni?

Pai , de ce nu te inscrii tu? Pentru ca nu se inscriu multi oameni. SI de ce nu se inscriu multi oameni? PEntru ca ei spun ca nu se inscriu multi oameni.

Dar de fapt , chiar se inscriu multi oameni...chiar daca unii nu sunt din romania..

Tocmai am trimis un e-mail in legatura cu ceea ce ati spus ...ca nu mai imi dau banii sau etc. Imi vor raspunde in curand si voi posta aici raspunsul lor

Uitati ce am gasit pe net!

AllAdvantage had a simple proposition: pay people a fixed hourly rate for the hours they spent browsing the internet with their software and use an MLM structure to attract new users. As you?d expect, this lead to legions of bots that pretended to surf. In contrast, Agloco uses a tortuously roundabout path to go from surfing to actual payment of money.

Still, most people mistakenly see Agloco as having a simple, linear model. Consider the following a public service announcement.If you?re a shrewd trader or investor or ever sat through an economics class (awake) you have no need to read further.

For the rest, let?s break it down:


[1] First, you have to download and install Agloco?s viewbar. This software (vaporware?) has yet to be released and every time a date is given, it makes a nice whooshing sound as it passes by. For the sake of this analysis, let?s assume it is actually released.

[2]So you surf the web while running the viewbar. But you don?t get a one-to-one proportionate credit for the actual hours you spend online. No matter how much longer you spend online, you?ll only get five measly hours accrued a month. And they “reserves the right to change these rates at any time for any country”.

[3]Next, these ?Agloco hour units? will accumulate. At some point, who-knows-when (if ever) they will be converted to something else. Note that they “reserves the right to change the [conversion] rates at any time”. So you can find yourself on shifting ground and get much less than what you thought you?d get.

Now, here?s the knee slapper: Agloco will convert these ?hour units? not into cash but into shares. But Agloco is a private company in start-up mode; has no public shares to distribute; is not profitable; hasn?t even released a product; and its founders failed the first time they tried this venture (what they lack in creativity, I suppose, they make up in persistence). Furthermore, according to SEC regulations, Agloco can not distribute unregistered shares to the public. While the ability of Agloco to produce and distribute value hinges on being able to going public, it?s ironic that the least amount of attention has been paid to this point.

From Agloco?s website:

“Remember, the company is 100% owned by the Members?”

No, it is not. It is a private company owned by a very few. I can cut them some slack for aggressive promotional copy but this is a bald faced lie.

[4]Assuming it does actually go public (I would really like to see an investment banker sit through a meeting with a straight face) Agloco will then have to use its shares as currency to pay its members ? that was the original point, before all these twisty turns, remember? When it begins to do so, the proverbial shit will hit the fan.

If we assume Agloco is successful, they will have to regularly pay their considerable and probably growing user base a massive amount of money. Which means selling a massive amount of shares on the market. Guess what will happen to the value of the shares when this unflagging selling takes place? Guess what will happen before the selling hits as smart traders position themselves ahead of the avalanche of sell orders?

[5]But wait, maybe I?m being too harsh here. Let us again give them the benefit of the doubt. Let?s assume that people don?t make a mad dash to cash in their shares? eventhough they?ve been slaving over a hot monitor for months. The next hurdle to the ?members? seeing money is for the firm to become profitable.

[6]The chances of this are very slim for obvious reasons. Even if they do become profitable, the founders will rightfully want to get a return on their risk capital before paying anyone else. Again, let?s assume not only that Agloco becomes profitable but that their board declares a cash dividend (as opposed to a sneaky stock dividend).

[7]Now here is the payoff that the ?members? had been waiting for. Assuming all the above, we finally get to the single mention of cash payment to users in Agloco?s website:

“As Agloco grows and the company generates positive cash flow, we will be distributing the excess cash to Members and shareholders of the company.”

At this improbable point, having jumped through hoop after hoop and assumed everything but the kitchen sink, the members are getting paid a pittance: dividend ?cents? on any ?dollar? shares owned. And that is assuming that in Agloco?s glorious ascent, hackers the world over haven?t unleashed massive ?bots? to mimic surfing and made it a victim of its own ?success?. Or that the SEC hasn?t nabbed the founders on charges of attempting to circumvent securities law by promising the public unregistered securities in return for membership.

If you are more jaded than I am, you may point out that at each node through this circuitous path, Agloco has built in several mechanisms to control the amount of ?value? they distribute ? whether limits on hours, conversion rates of shares or cash, reserving the right to kick anyone out for any reason, etc. These built in ?firewalls? are there for the protection of the founders and the business but they can also be used quite easily to manipulate the user base to extract the most from them while reciprocating a minimum.

Having said all that, I don?t think Agloco?s a scam. It is a poorly conceived scheme that appeals to those who know very little about finance, share issuance and regulation. I really do wish Agloco would go public. How else would I get a chance to short it? ;)


Daca ai 10 sau mai multi refferali

Daca au si refferali tai cativa refferali

Daca fiecaare sta cate 5 ore


Dar asta numai daca Agloco nu e ,,scam'' ..si asta incerc sa aflu eu atm

Check this out . It's a GREAT report !!


It's not a scam , this proves it

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Agloco e facut de niste tipi isteti care prin 97 lansasera un program de genul asta si multa lume a facut bani de pe urma lui, insa a trebuit sa-l inchida in cele din urma. Ai facut topicul cam tarziu, eu stiam de agloco de cel putin 6 luni si au facut multi bani cei care si-au contruit retele de referali.

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