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"Twenty-eight years ago the Mariner 9 spacecraft found evidence -- in the form of channels and valleys -- that billions of years ago the planet had water flowing across its surface," said Dr. Ken Edgett, staff scientist at MSSS and co-author of the paper in Science. "Ever since that time, Mars science has focused on the question, 'Where did the water go?' The new pictures from Global Surveyor tell us part of the answer -- some of that water went under ground, and quite possibly it's still there."

"For two decades scientists have debated whether liquid water might have existed on the surface of Mars just a few billion years ago," said Dr. Ed Weiler, Associate Administrator for Space Science, NASA Headquarters. "With today's discovery, we're no longer talking about a distant time. The debate has moved to present-day Mars. The presence of liquid water on Mars has profound implications for the question of life not only in the past, but perhaps even today. If life ever did develop there, and if it survives to the present time, then these landforms would be great places to look."

The gullies observed in the images are on cliffs -- usually in crater or valley walls -- and are made up of a deep channel with a collapsed region at its upper end (an "alcove") and at the other end an area of accumulated debris (an "apron") that appears to have been transported down the slope. Relative to the rest of the martian surface, the gullies appear to be extremely young, meaning they may have formed in the recent past.


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"Twenty-eight years ago the Mariner 9 spacecraft found evidence -- in the form of channels and valleys -- that billions of years ago the planet had water flowing across its surface," said Dr. Ken Edgett, staff scientist at MSSS and co-author of the paper in Science. "Ever since that time, Mars science has focused on the question, 'Where did the water go?' The new pictures from Global Surveyor tell us part of the answer -- some of that water went under ground, and quite possibly it's still there."

"For two decades scientists have debated whether liquid water might have existed on the surface of Mars just a few billion years ago," said Dr. Ed Weiler, Associate Administrator for Space Science, NASA Headquarters. "With today's discovery, we're no longer talking about a distant time. The debate has moved to present-day Mars. The presence of liquid water on Mars has profound implications for the question of life not only in the past, but perhaps even today. If life ever did develop there, and if it survives to the present time, then these landforms would be great places to look."

The gullies observed in the images are on cliffs -- usually in crater or valley walls -- and are made up of a deep channel with a collapsed region at its upper end (an "alcove") and at the other end an area of accumulated debris (an "apron") that appears to have been transported down the slope. Relative to the rest of the martian surface, the gullies appear to be extremely young, meaning they may have formed in the recent past.


omg :rofl1: :cool2:

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Life on Mars... don`t think so....

Viata..s`ar putea sa existe..ma refer la micro-organisme..sau daca nu exista acuma..a existat...sunt semne clare ca o civilizatie a existat candva pe Marte..


:blink: :blink: te`ai bagat si tu in seama?

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:blink: :blink: te`ai bagat si tu in seama?

1. Nu cred ca ma "bag in seama" mai mult decat tine.

2. Faptul ca tu vrei sa comentezi serios si stiintific, documentat o gluma... este problema ta, dar mi se pare un pic cam ciudat.

3. In cazul in care nu te-ai prins... stii reclama? Acest topic este o glumaaaa... glumaaaa...

Si ca sa fiu OnTopic, da Kani, NASA a gasit dovada ca pe Marte exista apa si civilizatie, nu merge sa uploadez pe imgeshack, o sa postez dovada maine.

LE : uite dovada


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1. Nu cred ca ma "bag in seama" mai mult decat tine.

2. Faptul ca tu vrei sa comentezi serios si stiintific, documentat o gluma... este problema ta, dar mi se pare un pic cam ciudat.

3. In cazul in care nu te-ai prins... stii reclama? Acest topic este o glumaaaa... glumaaaa...

Si ca sa fiu OnTopic, da Kani, NASA a gasit dovada ca pe Marte exista apa si civilizatie, nu merge sa uploadez pe imgeshack, o sa postez dovada maine.

imi cer scuze..eram putin prost dispus...dar eu tot nu inteleg de ce acest topic e o gluma?eu chiar sunt convins ca Terra nu e singura planeta din Univers locuita..care e problema?eu nu stiam ca e o gluma dupa tine..de ce nu a postat la funny sa radeti acolo :-O :blink: :-O :blink:

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Kani, tu ai dat click pe "sursa" sau "dovada" asa-zisei existente a apei pe Marte?

adica aici:

Glumita e mai vechiuta, dar prinde :D

Si vremea ei ar fi de 1 aprilie, dar probabil ca nu a mai avut rabdare :D

Hai ca sa iti mai treaca proasta-sipozitie, uite echipa de cercetatori NASA in domeniul vietii pe Marte:


Si Kani, noi nu am aflat exact daca nu cumva Groapa Marianelor este locuita, dar in schimb ne dam cu presupusul despre posibilitatea existentei vietii pe Pluto...

Ca sa nu mai spun de posibiliteatea existentei unor forme de viata sub calota din Antarctica sau din vulcani.

Pai daca nu avem posibilitati tehnice de explorare a Terrei, hai sa fim seriosi in ceea ce priveste posibilitatea explorarii in vederea gasirii de civilizatii pe alte sisteme solare.

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Da, stirea asta e mai veche. Exista astfel de teorii dar pana nu gasesc apa efectiv, raman simple teorii.

Exista si teorii care sustin ca Europa, satelitul lui Jupiter ar contine apa. De fapt mai mult, nu doar ca ar contine apa, ci ca sub calotele sale s-ar afla oceane intregi.


Ridurile de pe suprafata planetei sunt presupuse crevase.

Pana la a gasi totusi viata pe aceste doua corpuri ceresti mai e cale lunga.

Totusi e foarte probabil sa existe viata altundeva in afara Terrei. Eu sunt convins ca exista. Sunt cateva sute de miliarde de stele numai in galaxia noastra. Universul contine cateva sute de miliarde de galaxii. Do the math si veti vedea cate locuri posibile in care sa existe viata se afla in Univers. Nu cred ca restul Universului e compus doar din gaze nobile si ca noi am fi singura planeta vie. Zicea cineva ca daca noi ai fi singura planeta vie, "the Universe would be an awfull waste of space"

Off Topic

te`ai bagat si tu in seama?

Kani, cu scuzele de rigoare, esti ultimul care poate pune astfel de intrebari. In ultiele 2 luni nu a existat topic pe care l-am deschis si in care sa nu fi citit si parerea ta.

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Si Kani, noi nu am aflat exact daca nu cumva Groapa Marianelor este locuita, dar in schimb ne dam cu presupusul despre posibilitatea existentei vietii pe Pluto...

Ca sa nu mai spun de posibiliteatea existentei unor forme de viata sub calota din Antarctica sau din vulcani.

Pai daca nu avem posibilitati tehnice de explorare a Terrei, hai sa fim seriosi in ceea ce priveste posibilitatea explorarii in vederea gasirii de civilizatii pe alte sisteme solare.

da aici ai dreptate ... dar tre sa recunosti...ca e mult mai fascinanta teoria vietii pe Marte..decat cea a vietii sub calota din Antartica sau din vulcani...eu cel putin sunt mult mai interesat..de aceea imi place sa citesc orice are legatura cu asta...si chiar nu mi`am dat seama...ca e o gluma :( off is dobitoc tare..sry inca odata..

Kani, cu scuzele de rigoare, esti ultimul care poate pune astfel de intrebari. In ultiele 2 luni nu a existat topic pe care l-am deschis si in care sa nu fi citit si parerea ta.

da mai tata...asa e..dar eu mi`am dat mai tot timpul o parere pertinenta..intrebarea aia era pusa in conditiile in care Thora...puse poza aia la misto..iar eu nu imi dadusem seama ca acest topic e o gluma..si l`am luat in serios...

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