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Posts posted by GReedy

  1. Chiar asa de nasol e ? :|

    e pe dracu'. :)

    O dati in balarii.. silkroad e o chinezarie de rahat, stiti foarte bine ce "questuri" are daca se pot numi asa, niste clase de caractere foarte diferite, ...prin nume. De engrish-ul din joc necorectat din beta nici nu mai zic. Da, e interesant conceptul calatoriei de-a lungul silkroad-ului -- thief-trader+hunter, dar cam atat(+ faptul ca e F2P).

    Pe servere private o fi penal, dar daca jucati un pic mai mult o sa-i prindeti gustul chiar si acolo.

    Din punctul meu de vedere RF Online>L2 daca e jucat pe off.

    sa vad acum gramezi de L2 playeri in thread ^__^

  2. RF Online

    Official Website

    Screenshots aici

    In joc sunt 3 rase:

    The Accretian Empire follows a totalitarian regime where goals are for the Empire, a thought that is embraced by its followers. There is no feeling when it comes to the destruction of other races and for good reason, for the Accretia are a race of mechanised units with a materialistic thinking. The Accretia are proud to be the strongest and most formidable race in the galaxy, and are proud of the huge weapons they have created to kill men, women and all things living. Their need to expand to the further reaches of the universe to become even stronger is paramount and a key driving force to their being. This has inevitably led them to the Planet Novus and the arcane civilisations it plays home to.

    The Cora Holy Alliance is a spiritual civilisation with a firm belief in religion and the magical arts. Though the history of the Cora has been built on religious wars, which has created multiple states and nations, the country is strongly unified through its core religious beliefs. The Cora people, united as the Holy Alliance, now battle for their survival using the magical powers drawn from their spiritual beliefs, and traditional weapons blessed by their god, Disem.

    Imagine IPB

    The Bellato Union utilise machines and some magic in their culture. Renowned for their great mechanical minds, intelligence and hand-eye coordination, the Bellato can construct huge armoured battle mechs and weapons to use in the war. Though they are physically strong and intelligent, the huge gravitational energies from their home planet have left the Bellato with smaller builds. The Bellato are experienced traders and their financial minds and greed have driven the need to extend out to other planets, to colonize and claim resource. To expand to the rest of the universe, the Bellato have to ensure that the Novus Sector doesn't fall under the supremacy of the Accretia or Cora. This desire to expand and grow will no doubt leave the galaxy engulfed in turmoil and chaos.

    Pentru mai multe detalii cititi gamespot review(nu va speriati de scor, ganditi-va ca L2 a avut 6.0). Servere private sunt destule.

    Daca e cineva interesat, PM me sau contact la t3h_r0xd @ Y!M.

    nu de alta, da' ma plictisesc singur >.<<

  3. incuiati mai sunt unii oameni 29.gif adica...cu lesbienele nu aveti nimic smile.gif dar cu doi barbaty gay aveti 24.gif

    like.. D'OH!!1

    this or that? :|

    Nu dati dovada de prostie jignindu-i, dorindu-le rau.. pur si simplu fiti inteligenti..

    screw intelligence. burn'em. biggrin.gif

  4. Heh, imi amintesc ca la fel eram si eu acum vreo 7-8 luni biggrin.gif veneam cu colaje de genul ala(render/brush/font/filtre) si ma credeam mare grafician. Nu ca as fi acum >.>

    Daca tot te bati in piept atat, arata macar un screenshot cu cateva layere sa stim macar ca sunt facute de tine^^(diferenta dintre primul sig si al doilea este prea mare).

  5. Pentru ca e *trendy*. Si imi place sa ma afirm^^. Nu voi scrie nimic despre viata mea irl, nu sunt genul. Cum spune si titlul, "NetLife" biggrin.gif.

    O sa incerc sa modific o proportie ceva mai mare din template, deocamdata m-am jucat doar cu headerul. Nu prea ma pricep la CSS dar deh, toate au un inceput =^.^=.


    enjoy.(or not >.>)

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