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Posts posted by Taxare

  1. O intrebare am si eu pentru cei credinciosi: cum de stiti ca exista Dumnezeu cand El va pedepseste doar la judecata particulara ? Adica, daca am facut ceva gresit .. toata lumea se teme "vai, te pedepseste Dumnezeu" pe cand profesorii de religie, preotii zic contrariul batranilor.

    Stiti vorba aia "Doamne ajuta" .. de ce ? Aici e vorba doar de tine, ai invatat .. stii, nu ai invatat, nu stii (un caz logic, asta in cazul elevilor/studentilor). Un exemplu bun: am un coleg care vine cu masina la liceu si zilnic trece pe langa o biserica. Mereu zice un "Doamne ajuta" dar se pare ca el are doar note de 2, 3, 4 ... si eu am note mai mari ca el. Acea invocatie chiar ajuta ?

    Ce va tine asa strans de religie in afara de famile, care se stie din totdeauna ca are o influenta majora asupra mentalitatii, mass-media, etc. care se dovedesc pana la urma doar niste insemnari intr-o 'agenda' dar nimic concret? Stiu ca acu ceva timp, chiar biserica a recunoscut ca postul e doar pentru a scapa organismul de toxine, de a manca sanatos .. unde-i credinta in asta ?

    Batranii sunt oameni simplii, crescuti cu o educatie in care frica de dumnezeu este un lucru ce trebuie sa te ghideze in viata. Principial e corect, pentru ca religia iti da explicatia unor valori, insa e cumulata cu lipsa de cultura si lipsa dorintei de a vedea si din alte perspective.

    Faza cu doamne ajuta e o chestie psihologica, si asa a fost religia de la infiintare, pentru ca oamenii "slabi" sa aiba un sprijin, ceva pe care sa dea vina, ceva caruia sa ii ceara socoteala si ajutor. Dar pana la urma e ca asa cum iti asterni asa dormi.

    Postul il tin toti ca asa e bine si asa te cureti spiritual, insa la "judecata de apoi" (lol), ce ai mancat e ultimul lucru care va intra in discutie.

  2. Sunt antisocial pentru ca nu vreau sa fiu placut prin simpatie.

    Imi place sa observ oamenii, sa ii "citesc" si sa ii "descos".

    Nu suport aglomeratia, spiritul de turma si prostimea.

    Imi plac puzzle-urile, misterele, conspiratiile si secretele, sa stiu cum functioneaza totul.

    Imi plac discutiile in contradictoriu, lucru la care se pricepe si urmatoarea.

    Next: Crisse.

  3. Michael Rosenbaum, who has played the follicly challenged Luthor from the beginning of the series, recently told Kristin Veitch at EOnline that he will be leaving Smallville after the end of the seventh season (the series is currently in the middle of its sixth). Rosenbaum said, "Next year will be my last year. I had a great run. I loved it, but that will be it for me. I think other people have longer contracts. I'm not going to say who, but I know that next year is the last for me. So, it will be very sad when it happens, but all good things must come to an end."

    Entire article : Can Smallville survive without Lex Luthor?

  4. Programul e comercial (costa $19.99), dar varianta demo de 10 zile nu va expira daca la Regional and Language Options in Control Panel e pus Romanian.


    BuddyCheck e mort. Acum lucrez la alte proiecte.

    Eu am stiut intodeauna ca va veni o zi in care cei de la Yahoo vor inchide portita. Ceea ce ma mira este ca au inchis-o doar partial (probabil deoarece altfel nu ar mai functiona rutarea P2P a mesajelor).

    full thread

  5. Saw III loveste salile de cinema pe 27 Octombrie; este interzis minorilor sub 15 ani.

    De fapt sub 18.

    Filmul este destul de bun. Poate ceva mai putin bun decat primul, dar cu siguranta mai bun decat al 2lea. Mai sadic decat toate, "cere" la final un one last sequel, dar putin probabil. 10/10.

  6. ce s-ar intampla daca ar fi cate un thread ptr fiecare film care va aprarea?

    Asa cum silversky a postat in cursul zilei de azi un thread despre urmatorul film Harry Potter, am postat despre continuarea unui film bun, si am considerat ca merita mai multa atentie, avand in vedere ca nu am postat despre orice film prost sau de duzina.

  7. Imagine IPB

    STARRING: Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith, Dina Meyer, Angus Macfadyen, Bahar Soomekh

    DIRECTOR: Darren Bousman

    STUDIO: Lionsgate

    GENRE: Horror

    RELEASE DATE: October 27, 2006

    Jigsaw has disappeared.

    With his new apprentice Amanda (Shawnee Smith), the puppet-master behind the cruel, intricate games that have terrified a community and baffled police has once again eluded capture and vanished. While city detectives scramble to locate him, Doctor Lynn Denlon (Bahar Soomekh) is unaware that she is about to become the latest pawn on his vicious chessboard.

    One night, after finishing a shift at her hospital, Lynn is kidnapped and taken to an abandoned warehouse where she meets Jigsaw (Tobin Bell), bedridden and on the verge of death. She is told that she must keep the madman alive for as long as it takes Jeff (Angus Macfayden), another of his victims, to complete a game of his own. Racing against the ticking clock of Jigsaw's own heartbeat, Lynn and Jeff struggle to make it through each of their vicious tests, unaware that he has a much bigger plan for both of them... ropeofsilicon.com

    Jigsaw is dying, and he's saved the most shocking game for last. Two years ago, the psychotic mastermind terrified audiences around the world in SAW, ensaring his victims in unspeakably gruesome games. In 2005, SAW II continued Jigsaw's saga, establishing the SAW franchise as one of the most successful - and talked about - horror series of recent years. Now, Darren Lynn Bousman, the director of SAW III returns to the helm of SAW III, a new chapter that promises to trump its predecessors in scares and intensity - and give fans an even closer look at Jigsaw's dark world. saw3.com

    Saw III Official website


    Trailers & Clips


  8. Depinde mult si de carte. De ex. o carte care prezinta actiunea din Star Wars mi se pare complet inatractiva si as prefera filmul. Pe de alta parte sa citesti o carte interesanta, si care "te prinde" ofera mai mult suspans, si nu epuizeaza subiectul in maxim 2 ore.

  9. FIFA 07 @ Fanatic Gamer (sambata, 17:05) pentru cei interesati.

    > FIFA 07 de la EA Canada / Electronic Arts la la Fanatic vs. Fanatic din aceasta saptamana. Carmen Ivanov continua discutia cu aceiasi Rzarectha si Mitza, alaturi de un mai vechi invitat Fanatic Gamer, Claudiu "Claude" Gedo, editor Arena TV, singurul post de televiziune online dedicat jocurilor pentru PC si console. Cei trei atacanti fac schimb de pase, discutii aprinse si cartonase rosii, ca la fotbal (dar fara SeminteTM). Seria FIFA intra din nou in colimator. Sambata asta urmeaza sa afli care-i scorul, daca si cate henturi, faulturi si suturi pe langa spatiul portii a "comis" cu adevarat Electronic Arts in FIFA 07.
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