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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. Trei programatori (unul lucra la Windows, unul la Solaris, unul la Linux) la pisoare.
    Vine cel de la Windows consuma jumate din sapunul lichid, se sterge pe maini cu
    jumate de sul de hartie, si le zice celorlalti:
    - Ba, pe noi la Microsoft ne invata ca nu conteaza cate resurse consumi, daca iese
    treaba bine.
    Vine si cel de la Solaris, se spala si el da-' cu mai putin sapun, se sterge cu mai
    putina hartie si le zice:
    - Ba, la Sun ne invata ca resursele trebuie economisite daca functionalitatea
    depaseste 90%
    Vine si cel de la Linux, nici nu se spala pe maini.
    Ceilalti stupefiati:
    - Cum, tu nu te speli pe maini?
    - Ba, noi programatorii de Linux am invatat sa nu ne pisam pe maini!

    • Haha 1
  2. Ieri am urmarit filmul The Maze Runner / Labirintul: Evadarea(2014), din primele minute mi-am dat seama ca este un film exceptional avandul ca actor principal pe Dylan O'Brien(Thomas) care si-a dovedit valoare inca de cand instrase in labirint si inca un lucru care m-a impresionat au fost efectele, exact pe placul meu, mai multe lucruri puteti sa aflati chiar voi urmarind filmul.

    Filmul a avut o nota de 6.8/10  dar merita o nota mai mare zic eu, un 7.5.

    Trailerele de pe imdb le gasiti  AICI <---  primul trailer

                                                  AICI <---  al doilea trailer





    Chuck moare impuscat de Gally la final, da asta m-a socat si pe mine 😞


    • Upvote 1
  3. -De ce ai fugit din sala de operație înainte de a fi operat?

    -Pentru că infirmiera spunea tot timpul ,,Curaj, nu vă fie teamă, e o operație ușoară"!

    -Păi și asta nu te-a liniștit?

    -Nu. Pentru că vorbea cu chirurgul!


  4. download.jpg.3f624b7e53ba0599e465a5a7c775e52f.jpg





    1.Inscrierile o sa se faca in acest topic (AICI)

    2.Organizatorii o să decidă când o să fie programul, acesta poate fi schimbat dacă un participant sau mai mulți o să aibă probleme importante(zi onomastice, înmormântari etc.)

    3.Participantii care se lasă omorâți o să intre pe BlackList și o să fie scoși când consideră organizatorii.


    4.Dacă nu vă prezentați la turneu o să primiti un avertisment și o să fiți trecut in topicul cu sancțiuni(aici)


    5.Dacă înjurați un participant sau organizatorii etc o să primiti BlackList permanent.


    6.Folosirea cheaturilor sau scripturilor care vă aduc un avantaj mare(hp-hack etc) duce la punerea voastră pe BlackList și dreptul de participare 0.


    7.Nerespectarea organizatorului duce la punerea voastră pe BlackList!


    8.Dacă considerați că organizatorii sau organizatorul a făcut o greșeală puteți să vorbiți cu superiorul acestora și să cereți o REEVALUARE.



    -drept de participare 0: jucătorul nu mai are voie sa participe deloc la turneele de Dota 2.

  5. Aici vor fi trecuti userii ce au incalcat regulamentul turneului Dota 2. In functie de gravitatea faptei, vom stabili daca acesta are dreptul de a mai juca in turneele de Dota 2 LinkMania.


                                       [Nume Forum]  / [Username Dota2] / [SteamId] / [Pedeapsa acordata]

  6. Dupa cum spune si numele topicului, puteti veni cu propuneri pentru schimbarea regulamentului. De asemenea, orice intrebare sau nelamurire aveti puteti sa o adresati aici in vederea rezolvarii problemelor de acest gen. Nu uitati, orice intrebare ce nu are legatura cu regulamentul se va penaliza cu "warn".

  7. Acesta este primul tutorial despre Dota 2 in care o sa fie facuta o prezentare generala, daca nu intelegeti ce spune puteti activa subtitrarile.



    Episodul 2: aici puteti sa vedeti mapa din Dota 2


    Episodul 3: va invata controalele eroilor.


    Episodul 4: care va arata interfața utilizator și atributele.


    Episodul 5: Va arata la ce se folosesc itemele si la ce ajuta.


    Episodul 6: Resursele


    Episodul 7: va ajuta pentru a stii ce sa upgradati la skill point si ce avantaje iti aduce.


    Episodul 8:  iti arata cum se folosesc ward-urile.


    Episodul 9: prezentarea runelor sticlutelor si rune


    Episodul 10: Iti arata campionii care dau stan si cum se folosesc.


    • Love 1
  8. Fiecare update facut la jocul Dota 2 o sa fie postat aici

    Dota 2 Update - June 12th, 2018


    * Added new post-game screen which shows progress made in your battle pass.
    * Dota Plus, Cavern Crawl and Battle Pass post-game screens can be skipped by clicking anywhere on the screen
    * Added section on the home page battle pass cell showing available Battle Pass activities
    * Added an indicator on the home page Dota Plus cell if you have rewards available to claim
    * Fixed a bug which allowed alt-clicking on items in an enemy inventory to reveal the current number of charges, through fog of war.
    * Fixed a bug which caused in-game tipping particles to reveal which illusion was the real hero.
    * Helm of the Dominator converted neutrals now have the same hotkey
    * Fixed the gold hover tooltip displaying inaccurate buyback surplus
    * Fixed a bug that would cause players to be stuck in Battle Cup
    * Added Compute Shaders option to the Video Settings for DirectX 11 and Vulkan. Compute shaders improve performance under most configurations.
    * Networking for locally-hosted private lobbies always routes through new SDR relay network
    * Improved ping estimates and host selection for custom game lobbies without dedicated servers


    Dota 2 Update - June 10th, 2018  



    * Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Bonus movement speed reduced from +40 to +30
    * Moon Shard: Night vision increased from 300/150 (base/consumed) to 400/200
    * Refresher: Recipe cost reduced from 1800 to 1700
    * Talisman of Evasion: Evasion reduced from 20% to 15%
    * Talisman of Evasion: Cost reduced from 1450 to 1400
    * Solar Crest: Base evasion reduced from 20% to 15% (active application is still 20%)

    * Abaddon: Level 10 Talent increased from +20% XP to +25%
    * Abaddon: Level 15 Talent increased from +60 Mist Coil Heal/Damage to +75
    * Abaddon: Level 15 Talent increased from +6 Armor to +8

    * Alchemist: Chemical Rage now applies a basic dispel on cast

    * Ancient Apparition: Level 10 Talent increased from +60 Gold/Min to +90 

    * Anti-Mage: Base damage increased by 2

    * Bane: Base damage reduced by 2
    * Bane: Brain Sap manacost increased from 70/100/130/160 to 90/115/140/165

    * Beastmaster: Base armor reduced by 2

    * Bristleback: Viscous Nasal Goo now has a -2 base armor reduction

    * Clinkz: Base armor increased by 1
    * Clinkz: Strafe dodge now works against non-player units
    * Clinkz: Strafe attack speed increased from 80/140/200/260 to 110/160/210/260

    * Clockwerk: Base damage reduced by 4

    * Crystal Maiden: Crystal Nova cooldown reduced from 12/11/10/9 to 11/10/9/8
    * Crystal Maiden: Level 15 Talent increased from +120 Gold/Min to +150

    * Dark Willow: Bramble Maze cooldown reduced from 40/35/30/25 to 34/31/28/25
    * Dark Willow: Level 10 Talent increased from +20 Damage to +30

    * Death Prophet: Exorcism spirit spawn interval increased from 0.3 to 0.35

    * Disruptor: Thunder Strike cooldown increased from 15/13/11/9 to 18/15/12/9

    * Earthshaker: Echo Slam now has 100 Initial Damage

    * Enchantress: Nature's Attendants cooldown reduced from 45 to 35
    * Enchantress: Enchant slow rescaled from 3/4/5/6 to 3.75/4.5/5.25/6

    * Enigma: Demonic Conversion manacost reduced from 170 to 140/150/160/170
    * Enigma: Demonic Conversion Eidolon HP regen increased from 0.25 to 4

    * Gyrocopter: Level 15 Talent changed from +3 Flak Cannon Attacks to +0.5s Homing Missile Stun Duration
    * Gyrocopter: Level 20 Talent reduced from +45 Movement Speed to +40

    * Huskar: Level 25 Talent changed from 0 Inner Vitality Cooldown to Burning Spears Pure and Pierces Immunity
    * Huskar: Level 25 Talent increased from +125 Attack Range to +150

    * Invoker: Catacylsm max spread distance reduced from 220 to 200

    * Io: Spirits damage reduced from 25/50/75/100 to 20/40/60/80
    * Io: Tether movement speed reduced from 7/10/13/16 to 5/8/11/14%
    * Io: Level 10 Talent reduced from +60 Damage to +45
    * Io: Level 20 Talent reduced from +20 Health Regen to +15

    * Juggernaut: Base armor increased by 1

    * Keeper of the Light: Chakra Magic no longer has a 25/35/45/55 manacost

    * Leshrac: Lightning Storm cast range reduced from 650/700/750/800 to 650

    * Lich: Frost Blast attack slow increased from -20 to -30
    * Lich: Frost Blast cooldown reduced from 8 to 7
    * Lich: Level 10 Talent increased from +175 Health to +200

    * Lycan: Feral Impulse damage reduced from 15/26/37/48% to 12/24/36/48%

    * Magnus: Base strength increased by 1
    * Magnus: Skewer slow increased from 2.5/2.75/3/3.25 to 3.25
    * Magnus: Shockwave damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300

    * Meepo: Base armor increased by 2

    * Mirana: Level 25 Talent reduced from -80s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown to -75s

    * Naga Siren: Song of the Siren manacost increased from 100/150/200 to 150/175/200

    * Necrophos: Level 15 Talent increased from +16% Ghost Shroud Slow to +20%
    * Necrophos: Level 25 Talent increased from -1.5s Death Pulse Cooldown to -2.5s
    * Necrophos: Level 25 Talent increased from +0.6 heartstopper Aura to +0.8

    * Night Stalker: Crippling Fear cooldown increased from 12 to 24/20/16/12
    * Night Stalker: Void cooldown increased from 8 to 11/10/9/8

    * Oracle: Fortune's End is no longer disjointable
    * Oracle: Level 15 Talent increased from +90 Gold/Min to +120

    * Pangolier: Fixed Rolling Thunder having no effect on units like Primal Split Brewlings and Ancients neutrals (still doesn't affect roshan)

    * Phantom Assassin: Stifling Dagger slow rescaled from 1/2/3/4 seconds to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4
    * Phantom Assassin: Level 20 Talent improved from Double Strike Stifling Dagger to Triple Strike Stifling Dagger

    * Phoenix: Supernova stun duration from 1.5/2/2.5 to 2/2.5/3.0 

    * Puck: Waning Rift silence duration increased from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 to 1.5/2/2.5/3

    * Pudge: Level 10 Talent changed from +5 Armor to +30% XP
    * Pudge: Level 15 Talent changed from +75 Damage to +12% Rot Slow

    * Riki: Base armor increased by 1
    * Riki: Base damage increased by 4

    * Sand King: Base damage reduced by 3
    * Sand King: Caustic Finale slow reduced from 21/24/27/30% to 15/20/25/30%

    * Shadow Shaman: Base intelligence increased by 2
    * Shadow Shaman: Hex manacost reduced from 110/140/170/200 to 70/110/150/190
    * Shadow Shaman: Level 15 Talent increased from -4s Hex Cooldown to -5s
    * Shadow Shaman: Level 25 Talent reduced from +60 Wards Attack Damage to +50

    * Silencer: Arcane Curse penalty duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds

    * Sniper: Assassinate cast range increased from 2000/2500/3000 to 3000
    * Sniper: Level 10 Talent changed from +15% Cooldown Reduction to +25%

    * Spectre: Level 15 Talent increased from -8s Spectral Dagger Cooldown to -10s

    * Spirit Breaker: Greater Bash disable duration increased from 1/1.2/1.4/1.6 to 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8
    * Spirit Breaker: Nether Strike damage reduced from 150/250/350 to 150/200/250
    * Spirit Breaker: Level 10 Talent increased from +400 Night Vision to +600

    * Sven: Storm Hammer Manacost reduced from 140 to 110/120/130/140

    * Terrorblade: Agility gain increased from 3.2 to 3.7

    * Tiny: Base movement speed increased from 280 to 285
    * Tiny: Tree Throw splash damage increased from 130% to 150%
    * Tiny: Grow Status Resistance increased from 20/30/40% to 30/40/50%

    * Ursa: Overpower duration increased from 15 to 20
    * Ursa: Level 20 Talent changed from +1s Enrage Duration to +1.5s

    * Winter Wyvern: Base Intelligence increased by 2

    * Wraith King: Mortal Strike skeletons now have 30% Magic Resistance
    * Wraith King: Level 15 Talent increased from +25 Skeletons Attack Damage to +35

    * Zeus: Lightning Bolt manacost increased from 75/95/115/135 to 90/105/120/135

    Dota 2 Update - June 7th, 2018


    - Zeus’s Nimbus particle effect now always shows properly if you can see parts of the affected area, rather than needing to see the center of it.


    Dota 2 Update - June 1st, 2018


    * Using Control + Alt in Quick Buy area now tells you how much gold you need for both the item and buyback


  9. LinkMania

    -Dota 2 Hall of fame-


    In acest topic puteti observa castigatorii turneelor de dota 2 a comunitatii LinkMania. De la editia a V-a vor fi trecute si premiile acordate acestora. Cu alte cuvinte, sunt cei de la care puteti invata cate ceva.

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