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Tbh, sunt cam outdated toate astea... [Cel putin cand faceam u pwlvl la herbalism nu erau nici macar pe aproape herb - Sungrass]

alea sunt sigur acolo k mi'am "crescut" eu miningul acolo ... din oras pe partea dreapta pana sus la zul'mashar sau cum se numeste acolo ... face drumul ala de mai multe ori si ala e 300 mining . dak are noroc sa fie singurul la thorium mining scapa repede

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Cel mai bun loc pentru thorium e Silithus. Avand in vedere ca au transformat bugs din elite in normal mobs, e foarte lejer sa faci lvl up la mining acolo pentru ca mai mult ca sigur o sa fi singurul care face asta, fiecare hive are cam 15-20 spawn points pentru thorium desi nu o sa fie toate in acelasi timp cam 5-10 thorium nodes/hive si ai 3 hives. Pe langa asta poti sa iei niste questuri de la cenarion circle si iei si experienta cu ocazia asta.

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Azi e miercuri ? :D

da e miercuri si sunt oprite realmurile .. in fiecare miercuri e asa :)

azi e zi mai speciala dureaza mai mult :

" Weekly Maintenance, 16/07

This Wednesday there will be an extended maintenance to apply patch 2.4.3. Please note that all European realms will be offline from 03:00 until 11:00, Paris time (CEST).

Thank you for your patience and understanding. "

"Realm News

Extended Maintenance, 16/07

Some realms will be undergoing extended maintenance. The realms in the following Battlegroups will be offline from 11:00 until 13:00, Paris time (CEST): Blackout, Cyclone, Nightfall, Misery "

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o intrebare .. , ce diferenta consta intr'e PVP si normal ? (la selectarea realm`ului)

in normal/pve sau asa zisul Player vs Environment realm nu exista outdoor pvp ... adik dak te intalnesti cu 1 hordac (tu fiind ally) va faceti cu mana si plekti mai departe nu va puteti ataca decat prin duel :)

nu poti transfera character de pe 1 sv pve pe 1 pvp

.. cam atat cred :)

edit : luat de pe worldofwar.net

- On a PvE server, you mainly fight monsters of the game, and are on a "truce" with the other faction of players, where the only ways to do battle is by dueling someone, flagging yourself for PvP, entering an "arena area" (such as Gurubashi Arena or the Nagrand Arena, where you will be flagged for "Free for All PvP"), joining a Battle Ground or an Arena Battle

- On a PvP server, you will always be subject to attacks from the opposite faction, as you are always flagged for PvP (like you have to do manually on a PvE Server). The only exception is when you enter your own main cities and staring areas, where you will be PvE-flagged if you stay there for 5 minutes. The opposite faction players will still be flagged for PvP if they enter your starting area, and vice versa.

- The "Role-Playing Realms", which are mainly for players who wish to role-play their characters, and the RP servers can be both of the PvE or PvP type. So the 4 types of server to play on are: PvE, PvP, RP-PvE and RP-PvP. Normally, you simply refer the RP servers to if they are PvE or PvP. On all types of realms, players of the same faction can only fight each other if they duel, enter an "arena area", or an Arena Battle

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